Your Secret Test Automation Team
Unlock Your Secret Test Automation Team

Your Secret Test Automation Team

Hello there, CTO-person reading this; you're looking sharp today. Or, if you're an engineering manager, senior dev, dev, junior dev, tester, student, or random person who clicked the wrong link, nice t-shirt!

Strap in because beans are about to spill, cats are about to vacate bags, and games will be given away!

But first, we need to lay some groundwork.

What would an Automation Test team look like?

Well, it would consist of one or more Automation Testers. This only begs the question: What does an Automation Tester look like? Which is a stupid question!

We should ask, what makes up an Automation Tester besides the very-squishy and not-so-squishy pieces wrapped in skin?

An Automation tester needs 2 or 3 things, depending on how complex you want to make things.

One) A tester's mindset. That special something that compels someone to quickly click a button more times than any "normal" person or urges them to click Back right after clicking The Buy Now Button.

TWO) The knowledge to turn "The Buy Now Button" into something a computer can understand. These will likely be CSS selectors, or if you have a Microsoft Zune in a drawer somewhere, XPath selectors.

You might be thinking, "Hey, I have a manual tester with a tester's mindset AND a frontend developer who can do that other thing".

Nice work! You've guessed the punchline to this piece! But I'll continue anyway because I did say 2 or 3 things, and I've only given you the first two parts. mwahahaha

Meet your secret Automation Test team.

50% Frontend Developer, 50% behavioral cough manual cough Tester.

Now, you could buy them a gift card to a romantic restaurant and see where it goes, crossing your fingers and waiting patiently for several years for your investment to possibly pay off. Or you could split the work in two and get the bang for your buck right now!

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