If Your Sales Process Is Missing This, People CANNOT Buy From You!

If Your Sales Process Is Missing This, People CANNOT Buy From You!

Sometimes, Liberty’s marketing message specialist is baffled by how hard some people make it for their customers to pay them.

A few days ago, Stephanie clicked on a YouTube video she’d bookmarked, but instead of getting an hour-long music compilation to help her concentrate, she was greeted by a message: “This video requires payment to watch.”

She was curious about how much this would cost and what kind of access the payment would get her, so she hovered her mouse over the message… and didn’t find a link.

She checked the description of the video, and didn’t see a link there either.

Then she looked in YouTube’s sidebar, and you guessed it - STILL no link!

She tried navigating to the video through the uploader’s list of uploaded videos, and to her surprise, she was able to access the compilation without paying.

At the time of writing this, she doesn’t know whether what she encountered was a glitch, a new payment system in its infancy, or a remnant of the days when YouTube used to have paid content, but there was one thing she DID know: it wasn’t the first time she’d seen a business making it hard for its customers to make a purchase.

In today’s fast-paced world, your clients are surrounded by distractions, options and alternatives. They often don’t have the time or patience to go hunting for information about your product or a button with which to purchase it.

Because of this, it’s important for you to make it easy for them to get all the information they need to decide whether they should take the next step, and then to take that step.

Anytime you want a customer to take action, whether during a sales conversation, in your marketing, or when they’re looking a sales page, make sure you include these elements:

1. What your offer is.

2. What problem it solves.

3. What benefits your customers will get from using it.

4. How much it costs, in terms of money and/or time they’ll spend reading and implementing it.

5. What their next step is, and EXACTLY how to take that step. Make the “buy” button, signup form, appointment scheduler, contact information, etc. obvious, so they can find it effortlessly.

This will help you minimize the number of leads that change their minds and wander off halfway through a purchase.

Want to know more about how to turn your audience into paying clients?

I invite you to join us in our seminar series, Wealth, Health and Financial Freedom for Realtors and Their Referral Network Members.

In this series, you’ll discover:

1. How to describe your offer in a way that makes clients want to work with you.

2. How to stand out from your competition, so people choose YOU over other professionals in your field.

3. Ways to get more referrals, and get paid for making referrals when the rules of your industry allow, with LESS networking.

4. How to get more hot leads, and turn them into paying clients.

...and more!

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