Your Research. Your Rules.
AdditiveLabRELEASE V5

Your Research. Your Rules.

We're thrilled to announce the release of the latest version of?AdditiveLabRESEARCH, featuring significant enhancements in performance, usability, automation, customization, and documentation.

In response to your invaluable feedback, we've implemented the following key improvements:

Major Performance Enhancements in Thermo-Mechanical (TM) Simulation

TM simulations now exhibit performance times up to 10 times faster than previous benchmarks. Additionally, intelligent pre-calculation of melting temperatures, heating durations, and heat-flux density has been introduced, utilizing adjustable machine-specific parameters for enhanced convenience.

The new version 5 of AdditiveLab

Enhanced Capabilities for Working with Scan Data

Advanced import and alignment functionalities are now available for processing scan data of manufactured parts. Users can generate geometries for Counter-Deformation using the scan data, and utilize it for material calibration.

The new version 5 of AdditiveLab

Advancements in Scanning Path Analysis

The introduction of Iso-surface generation facilitates the visualization of temperature distribution in scanning-path analysis results, offering a concise depiction of the melt-pool and thermal gradients. New visual graphs across different cross-sections and measurement data in the melt-pool analysis aid users in understanding the characteristics of the melt-pool.

The new version 5 of AdditiveLab

User Interface (UI) Updates

The UI has been enhanced with user-friendly features, including convenient access to scripts, visualization of nodal results, and controls for object opacity. Improved controls for element visibility in cross-sectional views and updated object color settings enable clearer differentiation while working with various object versions.

The new version 5 of AdditiveLab

Updated Documentation

The new documentation provides a comprehensive software description and is enriched with validated tutorials and detailed information about simulation methodologies.

The new version 5 of AdditiveLab

We are incredibly excited about this new version of AdditiveLabRESEARCH and invite you to explore its various features. For upgrading to the new version or requesting a test license, please contact [email protected].



