About Your Referrals (Avoid this PLEASE)
Renee Hribar
I Help Women Confidently Sell Their Skills ? Million Dollar Sales Coach ? Private & Group Coaching ? TEDx Speaker ? Author ?
I love referrals. If you are selling a service like coaching or website design, VA services or some combination of these, I am talking to you.
Referrals sent to you for building a website, managing social media accounts, creating funnels, writing sales pages, coaching and strategy sessions are a clear sign that you are AMAZING at what you do.
But I’ve noticed a negative pattern:
I have learned that not everyone has the same process for connecting with referrals as I do.
After talking to more than a few smart business owners, I realized I do a LOT of things very differently when it comes to referrals. . .
Let me explain. . .
Have you ever experienced this scenario:
"I got a referral from ______
We had a good call.
I sent the proposal but I haven’t heard back."
If this has ever happened to you, I want you to know, it’s not your fault!!
Most other coaches just don’t have the experience in this very specific (and very important) part of the business. As for me, I’ve built an entire career at this EXACT juncture.
This is where the rubber meets the road.
Without this exact piece humming like a fine-tuned machine, there will be a LOT of potential clients (even rock-solid referrals) that will simply? . . .
The problem:
There is a LOT of BAD advice out there around this.
Some BAD advice I heard this week:
1. "You just need to get 100 No’s"
Please, do not subscribe to the "churn and burn" mindset. Just because you do business on the internet, do NOT believe there is an "unlimited" supply of potential clients.
That is just not true.
This has nothing to do with LACK. This has everything to do with HOW we treat other people.
Ask yourself: am I ONLY looking at the data (I looove data) but I remember that each data point represents someone's daughter, son, or neighbor. There is so much MORE to the story than JUST the numbers.
See the data, and ALSO seeing the human behind the numbers.
There is this undercurrent of false hope perpetuated on the internet that "More Leads = More Sales". That’s like saying if I just throw enough apples at my face I might eat one. . . well, not only will that hurt, but it’s very wasteful, especially if I'm not skilled at catching them. How many apples can you really eat at once anyway?
More BAD advice:
2. "You have to get REALLY good at overturning objections"
Not true either.
Needing to overturn objections is so crude. Learn a few well-placed, strategically crafted QUESTIONS and AVOID the NEED to have to overturn objections.
I do not thrive inside of conflict. I do not need to teach my students how to OVERTURN anything because by the time they get to the offer, the potential client has been rendered objection-less. We’ve covered everything. It’s moot.
. . . and the worst advice . . .
3. "just keep following up"
There is a better way!!!
?Instead, learn how to ask better questions. There are tons of variables.
If this feels hard we should hand out more!
Start with my FREE Training today (while it’s still free) www.reneehribar.co/training