Your Reason for Being
Jon Strickler
Vistage Chair | Exec Team Coach | Humble Adventurer | National Champion Mtn Biker
Today's news letter takes a few minutes to consider how to center yourself and your business on finding your reason for being. I approach this from two different perspectives: you as an individual and you as a leader.
The first perspective, is personal. But, applied to business, it can help you decide whether a specific opportunity is right for you.
The second perspective is business related. It helps to find your company's product and business model fit for lasting success.
Personal Alignment
Ikigai is a Japanese holistic approach to finding what gives your life meaning and satisfaction. The ikigai model is represented by a diagram with four intersecting circles:
The intersection of these four circles represents your ikigai. When you are able to find work that aligns with all four circles, you are more likely to be happy, fulfilled, and successful.
Use this model to address personal satisfaction in life. Find work for you and your employees that is aligned with each individual's ikigai.
Business Alignment
The Hedgehog Concept is a framework developed by Jim Collins in his book Good to Great to identify a core focus for a business to achieve long-term success. The metaphor refers to how a hedgehog defeats predators by staying true to what it does better than any other creature in the world - defending itself by rolling in a ball to show its spines.
For a business, finding it's hedgehog focus comes from finding the intersection of three different overlapping circles:
At the intersection of these three circles is where a company should focus its strategy. By staying true to it, businesses can achieve clarity and consistency for their strategy that leads to long-term success.
Ikigai is focused on individual fulfillment and purpose. The Hedgehog Concept is focused on a business and how it can achieve sustained success. Use them together to address and stay true to both focus areas.
Please connect, share, comment, like, and reach out. Message me if I can answer any questions or help address a specific need.
May you find Passion, Joy, and Freedom in all your pursuits.