Your reality is what is blocking you.

Your reality is what is blocking you.

If you are reading this and follow this blueprint, there is a chance you feel stuck and looking for something more.

This is what we call the Status Quo: the state of being 'good enough'.

And let me be straight with you, if you want to become THAT woman, 'good enough' is not where you want to be.

The Status Quo feels safe, and comfortable... And yet, you want that little bit of edge.

If this resonates with you, congratulations! Now, let's move you forward??

Many women don't move away from the Status Quo because of Liming Beliefs.

A limiting belief is a state of mind or belief that restricts you in some way, or makes you feel safe and comfortable.

The picture above perfectly shows how your limiting beliefs are impacting you life in an unconscious way.

The Elephant Story

I heard this story about a circus elephant roped to a wooden stake on the radio. Not a high tensile rope with a stake buried ten feet in the ground: a simple rope and a shallow, old wooden stake holding an enormous, mighty elephant in place.

The elephant is strong enough to walk away and yank the wooden stake out of the ground. Why doesn’t it?

The story goes that the elephant is tied by a heavy chain to an immovable steel stake while young and weak. No matter how much the young elephant struggles, it cannot break the chain or move the stake from the ground. From that moment on, no matter how big the elephant grows, it believes we cannot escape the stake.

If the stake is present, the elephant is impotent.

What wooden stakes are holding us back? What beliefs from a younger, weaker version of ourselves are we irrationally tied down by? What if we moved and broke the chain? Who says you cannot run a certain distance? Who says you cannot set a new PR? Why can’t you start running again?

Where do Limiting Beliefs come from?

  • Family beliefs
  • Education
  • Experiences, especially bad ones
  • Childhood: when we are kids, we are like sponges and we record everything in our mind as ‘bad or good’

Examples of Limiting Beliefs:


  • I am...inadequate, ineffective, incompetent, can’t cope
  • I am...powerless, out of control, trapped
  • I am...vulnerable, a failure, a loser, defective, not good enough, don’t measure up


  • I am...unlikeable, unwanted, will be rejected or abandoned, always alone
  • I am...undesirable, ugly, unattractive, boring, have nothing to offer
  • I am...different, flawed, defective, not good enough to be loved by others


  • I am...worthless, unacceptable, bad, crazy, broken, nothing, a waste
  • I am...hurtful, dangerous, toxic, evil
  • I don’t deserve to live

How to identify your limiting belief(s)

  1. Start by identifying things you feel strongly about in different area of your life like finances, family, relationships, health (What is helping you grow and what isn’t in all these areas?)
  2. Start reflecting on your behaviours (the toxic ones) - Eg. You don’t speak your mind when someone offends you because you have the limiting belief that conflict is bad
  3. Reflect on areas you feel challenged - Eg. You can’t land a well-paid job, you never have any luck when it comes to love etc
  4. Take note of the patterns that show up and reflect on what limiting belief is playing a role in these patterns

Dig Deeper

Note: It can be difficult to find your limiting belief by yourself, feel free to reach out and ask for support! When you have negative thoughts & emotions come up, ask yourself the following:

  • If that were true, what would it mean?
  • So what?
  • What about this make you feel/think this?
  • What does this mean about you as a person?
  • What about this means this?

(Avoid asking yourself Why, because it’s really easy to answer I don’t know)

Note: When you find your limiting belief, you might have a strong emotional response.

The Strategy to Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs

  • Reflect on the following questions: How is this belief serving me? What benefit am I gaining from thinking this way?
  • Create an alternative belief and test it out: Eg. I am not enough ? I am enough
  • Affirm. Affirm. Affirm. Look at evidence that proves this belief so that you can train your brain to start seeing the world in a better way.

Let’s put everything into action??

Have a think and answer the following questions when you feel ready:

  • What is your limiting belief?
  • What benefits are you getting from your limiting belief?
  • What are the consequences of believing this limiting belief?
  • Write down an alternative belief that counteracts this limiting belief and allows you to show up as the highest version of yourself.
  • Write down at least 3 pieces of evidence that prove this new belief to be true.
  • What experiments can you try to test out this belief?
  • What affirmations can you repeat to yourself to train your mind to start believing this new belief? Remember to start all affirmations with, “I am”.
  • What was the first time in your life where you felt your limiting belief? Describe this situation in detail.
  • What did you get from your primary caregivers at that moment?
  • What did you need from your primary caregivers instead? How would you have wanted them to support you? What would have helped you feel better?
  • Now knowing what you needed at that time, how can you give yourself these things today as an adult when you feel triggered or stuck in your negative emotions? Write down what that looks like.
  • Write a letter to someone that has deeply affected you. This is your chance to get out everything that you have ever wanted to say to them. You can then either show them the letter, or delete it.

Limiting Beliefs work is hard, uncomfortable, and takes time.

HOWEVER, very essential if you want to become THAT woman. You might not realise, but your beliefs are shaping your reality: the way you interact with others, the goals and expectations you set for yourself, the relationships you get into...

If you're ready to take the step forward, talk to an expert.

There are two ways I can help as a Neuro Coach:


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