For the next few “Your Queer Career(R)” Newsletters we’re going to veer away from the Q&A format, take a step back, and focus on each of the Core Leadership Competencies that I’ve found that–when developed–really make an impact for any leader: Queer or otherwise.

In this edition let’s focus on “Effective Communication” …

Effective Communication = Effective Queer Leadership


In Pride Leadership we talk a lot about effective communication being the bedrock of effective leadership. Heck, I’d venture a big ol’ guess that if you’ve been to any leadership development training, program, or class, someone somewhere discussed how “effective communication” can make or break a Leader. And that’s absolutely correct. If you look at a lot of the strategies already shared within each of the previous sections, having a talk to folks (among other communication channels) can go far to foster building relationships and building trust with those around you.


Queer Leaders who excel in communication possess the ability to inspire, influence, and guide others toward shared goals. When Queer Leaders communicate with those around them effectively, they foster trust (there’s that word again!), promote clarity, and drive collaboration within teams and organizations.?


Obviously, our non-Queer Leaders can be effective communicators, but what about members of the LGBTQ+ Community gives us the ability to practice effective communication in a different way than our straight siblings? Let’s find out.


Why Do Queer Leaders Tend to be Good Communicators?


As Queer Leaders, we possess an innate ability to communicate effectively. The best practices for effective communication include honesty, active listening, empathy, and adapting to the perspectives of those we’re engaging with. These are traits that we, as members of the LGBTQ+ Community, tend to embody naturally.?


Plus, our inclusive nature allows us to leverage empathy and adapt our communication style to resonate with those we’re having a chat with. We tend to be skilled at picking up on nonverbal cues and other indicators during communication interactions. As LGBTQ+ Leaders, these traits are invaluable both in the workplace and beyond.


However, the challenge arises when we encounter individuals who are less inclusive and open than we are. It’s important for us to remain patient during these interactions and keep the lines of communication open. As Queer Leaders, we have the ability to model effective communication and promote inclusivity in all areas of our lives.


Strategies for Effective Communication


If communication is so paramount to Queer Leadership success, what are some ways in which we can leverage it to be more effective? Here are seven good places to start:


(1)? Clarify Your Goals. Smart Queer Leaders take the time to ensure their team members understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving your group’s goals. This means providing clear definitions of what’s expected of each team member, agreeing on what steps are needed to achieve success, and offering guidance on how they can improve their performance along the way.


(2)? Offer Frequent Feedback. Queer Leaders should provide regular updates on progress and highlight areas where team members are excelling, as well as those where they could use some extra support or improvement. By doing so, they’ll help their team see behaviors that should be changed as well as reinforce behaviors that should continue. Smart Queer Leaders know that “feedback is a gift” and should be shared—both the good and the bad—frequently.


(3)? Be Clear with Your Communication & Channel. Queer Leaders should be transparent about their expectations, goals, and objectives, and should encourage team members to speak up if they have any questions or concerns. Also, Queer Leaders understand that the channel of communication they’re using matters, and they choose the best channel for your message and your audience. Leveraging your preferred communication method—versus the best one for your audience—can lead to misinformation and confusion and erode trust.


(4)? Demonstrate Empathy. As shared earlier, empathy is a crucial leadership quality. Effective Queer Leaders use empathy in their communication practices, such as in active listening and providing feedback. By doing so, they encourage meaningful conversations, promote trust, and foster collaboration. Empathy enables Queer Leaders to connect with their team on a personal level, to understand their concerns, and to help them navigate difficult situations. When Queer Leaders demonstrate empathy, they create an environment where emotions aren’t a problem in the workplace but rather an advantage.



(5)? Use Inclusive Language. Queer Leaders are aware that everyone has bias, but they are also aware that inclusive language is paramount in fostering a sense of belonging within the team and workplace. Smart Queer Leaders know that some phrases hold un-inclusive origins and meanings and stay clear of using these in their communication. They effectively use the correct pronouns for team members and create a space where pronoun sharing is the norm. Communication is leveraged as a tool to bring people together, not separate them.


(6)? Mitigate “Silent Collusion.” Queer Leaders are not just thinking about what they say to be effective and inclusive, they are thinking of the greater team. When someone uses un-inclusive language, Queer Leaders have the courage to address these phrases or situations quickly. By leveraging tools like MOP+SAM and other strategies, they respectfully address these statements so that the team continues to feel a sense of belonging. By mitigating the “silent collusion” happening with the team and not letting exclusionary phrases be tolerated, Queer Leaders build physiological safety and trust with all team members.


(7)? Be Inspirational. Smart Queer Leaders inspire and motivate their team members through their communication by conveying enthusiasm, confidence, and passion. They have the ability to make their team feel valued and appreciated by recognizing and celebrating accomplishments, providing constructive feedback, and offering support. Queer Leaders lead by example and set high standards for themselves and their team members, while also empowering each person to reach their full potential.?


It’s More than Just “Talking Goodly”


Effective communication is the bedrock of successful leadership—Queer or otherwise. It builds trust, aligns goals, inspires teams, encourages collaboration, and resolves conflicts. When you take a step back and look at the vast majority of the interactions and potential solutions to the questions asked in Your Queer Career?, you’ll see the vast majority of them involve communication to some degree.


Queer Leaders who master the art of effective communication create an environment where everyone around them feels heard, valued, and motivated to achieve their shared goals. By being aware of the “meta-communication” (or communication about communicating) that occurs on their team and within the greater workplace context, Queer Leaders can leverage the power of communication to not just get sh*t done, but do it in a positive, impactful, and meaningful way that fosters trust within the team.


Dr. Steve Yacovelli (a.k.a. “The Gay Leadership Dude?”) is an expert in diversity and inclusion, change management, and leadership. He’s worked internal for folks like The Walt Disney Company, IBM, Tupperware Brands, and several universities before starting his own consulting firm, TopDog Learning Group in 2008.

TopDog works with both Fortune 500s and not-for-profit organizations to bring about a more inclusive and effective workplace. Steve’s also an award-winning author, speaker, and catalyst. His latest book, Pride Leadership: Strategies for the LGBTQ+ Leader to be the King or Queen of their Jungle ‘came out’ in 2019, and his next book, Your Queer Career?: Workplace Advice from “The Gay Leadership Dude?” hits shelves later this year.

Steve’s not-so-hidden agenda is to make the world a bit more inclusive for us all.


