Steve Yacovelli, Ed.D. (he/him)
a.k.a. "The Gay Leadership Dude?" | Award-Winning & Best-Selling Author | Keynote Speaker | Helping Leaders at All Levels Be More Consciously Inclusive
For the next few “Your Queer Career(R)” Newsletters we’re going to veer away from the Q&A format, take a step back, and focus on each of the Core Leadership Competencies that I’ve found that–when developed–really make an impact for any leader: Queer or otherwise.
In this edition let’s focus on “Building Relationships” …?
Building Relationships = Building Trust (and More!)
In the workplace, things seldom get done by a lone team member. Sure, some facet of a project or business process may rely on one individual, but at some point, there’s that whole human interaction thingy. Companies and workplaces don’t exist by a lone wolf. Even a solo entrepreneur works with others to meet goals and get things done. So, being able to work with others not just helps meet goals but it’s just more enjoyable when we get along.
Building relationships in the workplace on all levels is important for all Queer Leaders. No, it’s not having everyone at work be your BFF (although you’re lucky if you’ve found that workwife/workhusband/workspouse). It is about working and building on the relationships with those you work with so they’re at the minimum, positive and productive, and at best, some really great people who have your back and are there to support you and you them.?
In the end, having strong workplace relationships is a win-win situation: you get support and comradery while you’re building rapport, team, and frankly trust with those you work with. It brings respect, collaboration, and creativity to the table, making the team more successful.?
Why Do Queer Leaders Tend to be Good Relationship Builders?
Queer Leaders tend to be very good at relationship-building for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, our empathy shines through, as we have navigated our own challenging journeys and sought to find fellow Queer team members from a safety and security perspective (we all size up the room in new situations to find that fellow Queer or awesome Ally). This unique insight allows Queer Leaders to understand the struggles and triumphs of others, which helps foster deeper connections.?
Our journey of self-discovery has honed our authenticity (back to that again!), which makes building relationships real and not plastic. By being unapologetically ourselves, Queer Leaders create an environment where others feel comfortable bringing their authentic selves forward, further building rapport and trust. Being authentic is being courageous, and Queer Leaders use this to build a foundation of respect and understanding and create genuine and solid relationships with those around them. Finally, our resilience and patience are key qualities that nurture and sustain long-lasting relationships. Just through who we are and our collective shared experience, we have a lot of opportunity to build community and relationships, and we can leverage that experience to be even more effective Queer Leaders.
Five Strategies to Foster Relationships in Your Workplace
What are some wicked smart strategies or areas of focus that we Queer Leaders can focus on to build and grow relationships in our workplace? Here are five outcomes to building relationships in your workplace:
(1)? Building Relationships is Building Trust. Building relationships is the foundation for establishing trust and rapport between Queer Leaders and their team members. When Queer Leaders invest time and effort in getting to know their team members, peers, and leaders on a personal level, we create an environment of openness and authenticity. By showing genuine interest, active listening, and leveraging empathy, Queer Leaders build trust, which frankly is the secret sauce to effective leadership ... period.
(2)? Building Relationships Enhances Engagement. Smart Queer Leaders who prioritize building relationships experience the benefits of increased team member engagement and productivity. When people feel valued, respected, and connected to their Leader, they become more motivated and invested in the work. Queer Leaders who build relationships foster a culture of recognition and appreciation, regularly providing feedback and celebrating achievements. This creates a positive work environment where people are inspired to perform at their best, resulting in higher productivity, innovation, and overall organizational success.
(3)? Building Relationships Promotes Collaboration and Teamwork. Strong relationships between Queer Leaders and team members promotes collaboration and teamwork. When Leaders actively engage with their team, they encourage open communication and create opportunities for collaboration and sharing. By leveraging the diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives of individuals, Queer Leaders can foster a culture of cooperation, where teams work synergistically towards their shared goals. Building relationships bridges gaps, breaks down silos, and creates a sense of unity and shared purpose within the organization.
(4)? Building Relationships Enables Effective Mentoring and Coaching. Building relationships enables Queer Leaders to be effective mentors and coaches (or be more open to being coached ourselves). When Queer Leaders have strong relationships with their team members, they gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and what motivates them. This knowledge allows Queer Leaders to provide tailored guidance, support, and developmental opportunities for growth (and that adds to the desire to stick around). Queer Leaders invest in relationships to create a psychologically safe space for individuals to seek guidance, share challenges, and grow both personally and professionally.?
(5)? Building Relationships Creates a Positive, Inclusive Work Culture. Queer Leaders who prioritize building relationships contribute to the creation of a positive and inclusive work culture. Relationships based on trust, respect, and open communication generate a sense of belonging and psychological well-being among team members. This fosters team satisfaction, reduces turnover, and attracts top talent. A positive and inclusive work culture creates a strong workplace brand and supports the “this is a great place to work!” reputation.
Final Relationship-Building Thoughts
Building relationships is an essential component of effective leadership. By investing time and effort into fostering connections, Queer Leaders create an environment of trust, collaboration, and engagement. Strong relationships between Queer Leaders and their team members promote open communication, drive productivity, and enhance overall organizational success. In a rapidly evolving business landscape, where the human element is crucial, Queer Leaders who prioritize building relationships are in a lovely position to cultivate a positive work culture, inspire their teams, and achieve sustainable growth.
When you take a step back building relationships leverages the previously shared leadership competencies:?
The output of all this as noted above: a wonderfully inclusive and pleasant workplace culture.
Dr. Steve Yacovelli (a.k.a. “The Gay Leadership Dude?”) is an expert in diversity and inclusion, change management, and leadership. He’s worked internal for folks like The Walt Disney Company, IBM, Tupperware Brands, and several universities before starting his own consulting firm, TopDog Learning Group in 2008.
TopDog works with both Fortune 500s and not-for-profit organizations to bring about a more inclusive and effective workplace. Steve’s also an award-winning author, speaker, and catalyst. His latest book, Pride Leadership: Strategies for the LGBTQ+ Leader to be the King or Queen of their Jungle ‘came out’ in 2019, and his next book, Your Queer Career?: Workplace Advice from “The Gay Leadership Dude?” hits shelves later this year.
Steve’s not-so-hidden agenda is to make the world a bit more inclusive for us all.