Your Purpose: Use Your Intuition

Your Purpose: Use Your Intuition

In this week's video I take you through the 3rd step to connect you to your purpose. 

USE YOUR INTUITION. What is your intuition? Why do we have it? What are the different ways it shows up? How can you be sure it is your intuition and not something else?  I explore all these questions in this week's video! 


  1. Begin noticing your intuition. Tune into it and listen. You may need to get quiet to do this. 

Ask a question this week. Step away from your situation that you want clarity on. Whatever calms you – do that. Create that quiet space to let your mind wander. Listen to what comes up in those moments. Intuition needs a quiet, calm, reflective environment to come through. 

Your intuition is the 3rd step to connecting to your purpose. When you are tuned in to it, it will guide you. As my good friend, Glenn Morshower says: Listen to the whispers. 

This week: Tune into your intuition. It is there to guide you. 

Check in with me on your homework here: 

Your True Spirit Card Reading for 6 - 12 Nov 2016 

RITUAL. Start your day with a ritual to set the tone. This will connect you to your intuition. 

Unplug and be alone. No electronic devices, no one else around you. Just you. 

This week establish a ritual for you to start your day in a positive way, to uplift, inspire and ground you. 

Your ritual may consist of different elements such as: exercise, setting your agenda for the day, learning, visualisation, meditation, prayer, affirmations. 

Try out different things and see what works for you. 

When you practice a regular ritual, you will notice you are in the calm, quiet and reflective space to allow your intuition to shine through. 

From Gina's True Spirit Card Deck. Filmed on location in Gina's Front Room, UK. 

What Next? 

  1. If you know someone this video will resonate with, please share it with them. 
  2. Next week: tune in for more insights on How To Connect To Your Purpose and your guidance from the True Spirit cards for the week ahead. 
  3. Releasing Ritual. Monday 14th November.

Join us to release what holds you back and to clear space for the new.... and maybe get a free personal intuitive reading from me. Details are on the Authentic Self UK Facebook Group: 

About Gina Battye

One of the world's hottest rising stars; described as Britain's equivalent to Oprah Winfrey, Gina is an internationally sought after & award-winning spiritual guide, teacher, speaker & author. 

Gina is a spiritual guide for heart centred entrepreneurs and professionals who are looking to answer the 2 big life questions - Who Am I and Why Am I Here. Specialisms: identity, sexuality and life purpose. 

As the creator of the Soul Quest Awakening Process – Gina has established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the sphere of spiritual growth. 

For details on the Soul Quest Awakening Process, visit her at www.Gina.PM 

To learn more about Gina's Free Manifesting and Releasing Ritual, join in the discussions on Facebook:

...AND visit Gina.PM!

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