Your Purpose is in the Adventure

Your Purpose is in the Adventure

By Jeff Israel Nthiwa

Imagine there’s a treasure hidden in the jungle. There are lions, leopards, snakes and all manner of predators in the jungle. You know where the treasure is, but you don’t know where the lions are hiding. So on the one hand you are excited about finding the treasure and can’t wait to get your hands on it. On the other hand, you are afraid that you might be eaten on your way to getting the treasure.

But, here’s an interesting question: What if you are not eaten? What if there are no lions and leopards? What if the fear you are feeling is just false expectations appearing real? What if others are preaching this gospel of danger to keep you away from your treasure? What if others are scared but there is something special about you, and you can rise above your fear and go get that treasure?

The hero’s journey

           In his epic work ‘The Hero’s Journey’ Joseph Campbell identified the several stages all heroes go through before they get the treasure at the end of the journey. The first stage begins with a Call to Adventure. They receive a message of something that they need to do, or they get a feeling that there is something special inside them and that requires them to act. We all get that call. But many of us refuse the call because we look at our surroundings, we look at our environment and we are not able to connect. We see obstacles all around us and misinterpret them as setbacks; as a sign we are not supposed to go in that direction.

           The heroes, the true warriors of the world, go where the pain is. They embark on the adventure. And at the end of that adventure, they find their treasure. Your purpose is therefore hidden in the adventure.

Your purpose will not come to you. Your purpose is not something that you wait for. Your purpose is in the adventure, in the chaos of life, in your pain, and in challenges. As long as you move forward you will find your purpose.

 Purpose is tied to the intricacies of life, to the small little things. Most of it is in the dark places of your soul. It is in the dark places of your experience. That’s where your purpose is hidden. Show me your pain and I will show you your purpose.

There is a warning that we all must heed and it is this: If you get the call of adventure and you refuse to answer it, life will still get you to your destiny whether you like it or not. The universe is a very interesting place; it walks with those who are willing and drags along the unwilling. You can therefore get to your purpose while wounded and bleeding…or you can get there willingly. One way or the other, you will get there. It is not a question of whether you will get there. It is a question of how.

Therefore, be obedient. Pick that call and listen. Ask your heart what kind of adventure you would like to have. What is your soul calling you to explore? What problem would you like to solve? Where would you like to travel? Whom would you like to connect with? Don’t look at the difficulty, because purpose is hidden in difficulty. In the pursuit of adventure, heroes must lose their focus on their troubles and their present circumstances.

Life has a way of driving you to your purpose if you are open for adventure. So stop praying for purpose. Stop waiting on the highway of life. What are you waiting for anyway? 

Ask yourself what kind of adventure you would like to have. The answer lies in something that excites you and makes you afraid at the same time. Don’t be afraid of fear for fear is the spice of life.

If you feel afraid but you still want to do it, then go for it, for that is the call of destiny! Don’t wait anymore. Don’t pray anymore. Just do it!

When you flow with the adventure you find something that was hidden within you by the creator. You find your sweet spot. You find something that is worthy of pursuit. And you know what? It was there all along


