Your Promised Land
A Focus on Christ article by Jesus to my Rescue Ministries & Outreach

Your Promised Land

One of the greatest miracles of all times is where God separated the Red Sea so that the Israelites could get away from Pharaoh and his men. We read about this in Exodus 14. This great event and miracle were the beginning of the journey for the Israelites to the promised land.

Then there is the story we read about in Joshua 3, where God dried up the Jordan River, which also resulted in one of the greatest miracles, and one of my personal favourites.

It begins with Joshua prophesying that God will do great wonders for Israel. It was only after he prophesied that God spoke to Joshua that He was going to do something great to remind everyone of what He had done for Moses. Then God told him that they would stand on dry land in the Jordan.

Joshua shared this with the Israelites and told them that everyone would know that the living God was among them. ?Dear brother and sister, God dried up the Jordan River, it stopped flowing, and the Israelites stood on dry land! Hallelujah.

First God opened the Red Sea, then nearly 40 years later he dried up the Jordan. Why did God do this? He wanted to assure Israel that He was still with them, strengthen their faith and provide them with hope. ?The Jordan River miracle was also a symbol of the removal of the final hurdle for Israel before entering the promised land, the land of milk and honey.

Opening up the Red Sea was the beginning of the journey to the promised land and stopping the flow of the Jordan River was the symbol of the fulfillment of that promise; a reminder of his greatness, power and grace.

Brother and sister in Christ, the same God who went through the Red Sea with Moses is the same God you and I serve today. The same God who dried up the Jordan River with Joshua is the same God you and I serve today.

For Israel, God separated the Red Sea. For Joshua, He stopped the flow of the Jordan River, and for you and me, He gave Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son.

The birth of Jesus Christ was the beginning of the journey to the promise God made of the coming of the Messiah, the Savior of the world, the key to everlasting life. ??Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it was the fulfillment of the promise.

With the birth of Jesus Christ, God brought us the promised land of the future; He opened the red sea and dried up the Jordan River for us. ?It is through Jesus Christ that we can overcome every challenge we may face, bring us victory in every area of our lives and that teaches us true love, grace, and faith.

Let's read Isaiah 43:2: When you go through deep waters of trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers, they won't wash you away. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up. The flames won't consume you.?

Brother and sister in Christ, whatever you face, whether it's financial problems, because you don't have a job, because you're experiencing problems in your marriage, maybe you don't even have a partner, maybe you're having problems with your health or maybe you're struggling to get rid of an addiction;?

whatever you go through today, whatever your challenges are, know this: You are not alone. ?Our Lord Jesus Christ is with you always. ?

Just as God opened the Red Sea to Moses and stopped the flow of the Jordan River for Joshua, so will He take away every stumbling block that stands between you and your promised land. ?Stand firm in your faith and do not give up! ??

I end with the words of Isaiah 43:2, praying it over your life: When you go through deep waters of trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers, they won't wash you away. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up. The flames won't consume you.

God bless you,

Jaco van As


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