Your problem is a PERCEPTION problem
Coach Micheal Burt
Leading authority at activating the PREY DRIVE in people and building COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE in teams. Founder and creator of The Greatness Factory. Specialist at packaging intellectual property.
I remember speaking to a group of local people (Remember how Jesus said "A prophet is without honor in his own hometown) and when asked a member of the audience said, "Well he was a great high school basketball coach who is also a very good speaker." Wow, she might as well said I was just a "good person" with a "nice personality." She didn't say "He is going to be a global thought leader" or "He rivals others in his space" she just said, "He was a good speaker." Apparently I had a perception problem with her because I wasn't going for just good and I bet your not either.
That one hurt because I believe I'm more than just a good speaker but she didn't know that and she didn't know that because I did a poor job of articulating my value. Since then I've worked hard to build a brand, show what problems we solve in the world, and pump out so much good content that people know what kind of value we can create for them. I've tried to build what's called "credibility indicators" along the way that serve as mile markers toward a global brand.
I once didn't get a TV show that millions of people would watch because they said I was "too short" and they didn't like my southern accent. I couldn't fix my height but I could go to work on my accent.
How many times have we heard that "Perception is reality." Most studies say that another people sum us up in less than one tenth of a second and increased exposure after that first impression doesn't change that first initial impression. Some suggest that it takes 21 positive interactions to overcome the first negative one. Oh how quick we are to judge another and discount value based on looks, branding, or other first impressions.
In just one day United's stock dropped over one billion dollars due to perception issues.
No matter how many billions of dollars UBER is valued at co-founder Travis Kalanick can't kick the a$%-hole perception he has developed.
You may have a perception of:
- Inconsistency
- Limited thinking
- Slow response
- Solving small problems
- Party animal
- Lazy
- Can't follow through
- Runs in small circles
- Local vs. national player
The question becomes "How do we change that perception?" Well here are some ways I believe you can shift your perception in the market and drive up your perceived value vs. have it stay low:
- Get some serious results. No matter how many haters you get nothing shuts some up like results. Numbers and success don't lie. Make it so interesting that others are asking what you are doing and interested in you.
- Attract top clients. Word spreads fast and you hit an inflection point. Be so good others can't ignore you and if they do it's their loss.
- Hide your liabilities and dress up your assets. How you dress, who you hang around, and what you put out to the market either enhances or decreases your chance of something good happening.
- Work on how you articulate your value. We teach a six step framework called "The Explanation of Services" (based on a concept from Tom Love) that helps people better explain how and why they are more qualified. Watch this video here: How to explain your services in a world class way
- Don't skimp on your marketing. Use better cameras, professional film, and use great graphic designers to do your work justice. No amateur images to promote you did on photoshop.
- Don't put all your business on the street. Hanging out in bars on your own time may be fun but sends a message to the world when placed on all your social media sites that you may not be ready for the big leagues of business. It's just a perception thing.
- Learn how to "package and sell" what makes you special. Packaging is anything the consumer can feel, touch, taste or see.
- Cultivate a "point of view" that let's others know you stand for something. Don't spend time whining, complaining, or making excuses publicly unless you want others to discount your services quickly.
- Update that ward robe. The 80's called and wants their hair and suits back. Robert Kiyosaki always said, "Outdated wardrobes = outdated mindsets." I agree and even if you don't you can't imagine how many others judge us based on what we wear.
Here's what I want you to know. You may have the goods. You may be the best. You most certainly are a grinder but your main problem may be a "perception problem." You may be seen as a "machine," or a "show off" or a "liar." This drives down your value in the market and may be the ONE thing that is stopping you from advancing your career.
Never, and I mean never under estimate the value of perception and work hard to solidify yours with what you push out to the market. Hustle can't overcome lost opportunities because people discount you before you even open your mouth.
Check out Coach Micheal Burt's biggest coaching program in MONSTER PRODUCER where he works on positioning, Person of Interest, how to raise your status, and how to sell at much higher levels by going to