Your Priorities
Today's devotional is from Life is a Goldmine: Can You Dig It?
"Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.' Jesus answered him, 'Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise'" - Luke 23:42-43.
Let's take one final look at Jesus and how He managed the time and priorities in His life and mission. In these verses, Jesus is hanging on a cross, suffering one of the most agonizing deaths man has ever devised. When the thief hanging next to Him made his petition, Jesus could have said, "Excuse me, I'm a little busy suffering and dying right now."
Instead Jesus granted the man's petition and then proceeded to yield His spirit to the Father. He focused on His priorities and set an example for us all to follow in the power of His Spirit. Are you focused on your mission? How effectively can you put your own needs aside to help others? Do you handle important interruptions well, or see them as intrusions?
Lord, I thank You for Jesus and His example to me. Today's verses show just how focused He was on Your will for His life, even in the midst of personal agony and pain. Give me the same focus and help me produce the same results to help people be set free from their own misery through my service.