Your Price is Right, Sell It!
There’s an old saying,
“He who concedes first, loses.”
"I like your product, but your price is way out of line. We’re used to paying half that much!"
"Look here, at?that?price, you’re just wasting my time! I thought this was a serious Deal! Who do you think you’re talking to, some kid"
This kind of dilemma is nothing new, of course. Deals fall through every day. But businesses that depend on long-term customer relationships have a particular need to avoid win-lose situations, since backing out of a bad deal can cost a lot of future deals as well.?
There are some Learning Points for moving a customer out of a hardball mentality and into a more productive frame of mind.
your first priority is to avoid take-it-or-leave-it situations and keep the negotiation going long enough to find a workable deal. Too many salespeople think their only variable is price, but such narrow thinking can be the kiss of death.
Joining battle is not the solution unless you’re the only source of whatever the customer needs.