Are your prayers not being answered?
Michelle Barone
? Emotional Liberation Coach ? Guiding you through releasing limitations and learning to work with your emotions so that you can show up more fully in every area of your life.
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If you’re just getting to know me, my name is Michelle and I am an Emotional Liberation Coach.
I guide clients through releasing limitations and learning to work with their emotions so that they can show up more fully in every area of their lives.
What have you been praying for lately??
Perhaps a change, an answer, something material, a sign from above that you're on the right path, a situation to improve, or something to come to an end.?
I want you to take a second and mentally pick one thing that you've been praying for to keep in mind as you read this.
?? What do you do? ??
What do you do after you pray? How do you set yourself up so that you can receive whatever it is??
I've talked to many people over the years who have said, “I've been praying and praying and praying and nothing's happening”, or “I follow this law of attraction thing and I never get what I want”.?
Some think that they can just sit back and wait. That just asking is enough.
Is it really??
?? Taking Responsibility ??
This life that we're creating is a cocreating experience with Source and we have to take responsibility for our end of the bargain.
So after you ask, are you really doing your part?
?? Doing your Part ??
What can you do to prepare and be ready in order to get your prayer answered??
It's not enough to just say that you’re praying for a new job or new relationship.
You can’t just sit back and wait. You actually have to start living and engaging.?
The key is to feel as though you already have what you’re praying for.?
?? What does that mean? ??
After all, how do you feel happy about something when a sad or “bad” situation is still happening?
To feel that happiness, do something else that's going to make you happy (or if you’re really down and out, start with feeling calm or content).
It doesn’t matter how big or how small it is.?
If taking a walk or spending half a day at the beach is going to make you feel happy, then go feel happy.?
Because the more happy you are, the more happy you'll attract.
It can be challenging and it’s absolutely an art. In fact, it's almost so simple that it can be confusing at times.?
But you have to match what it is that you want back.
?? Like Attracts Like ??
Here's the key though - you have to get out of your negative thought cycle and mind your thoughts.
Again, like attracts like.?
Think of those days when you wake up and stub your toe. Then you can’t find your keys. Then you get stuck in traffic and show up late for work. Then your boss makes a comment about it. Then you get angry and frustrated. And the rest of your day continues like this.
All because after stubbing your toe you thought or said, “Oh here we go! It’s going to be one of those days!” And kept repeating this every time something happened not to your liking.
Instead, you could have said, “Ouch” and moved on. You could have looked at misplacing your keys as Divine intervention protecting you from an accident. Getting stuck in traffic allowed you to catch a beautiful rainbow from a passing storm. And so on.?
So even on a “bad” day, you can shift the energy. You can switch to hope, faith, and trust. Knowing that there's a reason for everything because there is a reason for everything.?
When you line yourself up with what you want and how you want to feel, by feeling the end result right now and showing gratitude for it, then the odds are much more in your favor.
?? Expect the Unexpected???
But remember, prayers don't have to be answered in the exact way that you expect.?
If you’re praying for a new job because you can’t stand where you are, the first step might be getting laid off or fired.
If you’re praying for a new romantic relationship, the first step might be the ending of a lifelong friendship (to make room for the new).
If you’re praying for vitality and optimum health, the first step might be a healing crisis that sets you on a new path.
Back when I worked in corporate healthcare, I used to think about how I’d love to not be stuck in an office all day. How I wanted to work from home with my dogs under my desk. How I wanted to own my time and schedule.?
Well, God delivered through a company reorganization forcing me to work under a boss who didn’t even believe in my department or my role. No surprise that led to the dissolution of my position.
And what do you know, I now work in a home office with my dogs beneath my feet and I maintain control of my schedule.?
It may have been challenging at times but I got what I asked for.?
?? You get what you get and you don’t get upset! ??
You can't ask and then complain on how it's delivered. You just have to be grateful. Sometimes that can be challenging when what you're looking at isn't exactly what you thought you wanted.?
There's an old saying - “Good? Bad? We'll see!”?
You don't know till you know. Something that you may think would be right for you right now that you're praying for, may not be compatible with the greatness you’re destined for.
I mean, for goodness sake, think back to some of your exes. What would life be like if those relationships had worked out?
The divine is looking out for you (from a vantage point we can’t even comprehend).?
?? Why aren’t you getting what you want? ??
Alright, fine. You want a simple answer as to why your prayers are not being answered.
It could be that:
I get it, you want your cake.?
But sometimes you’ve got to wait for it to finish baking. Or, you’ve been given the flour, eggs, butter, and sugar and have to bake it yourself to get the delicious result.
So ask, but stop taking score. Stop waiting and looking around every corner. Focus on feeling the feelings. Focus on gratitude.
Everything will happen when it's supposed to happen. The timing will be perfect for you and your journey.?
Remember, everything is happening for you.?
If you need help with any of this, coaching can change your life just like it did for me. Just send me a PM and let's talk.
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