Your Plan for Success with Your Child 
                  with Special Needs
                  By Douglas Doman

Your Plan for Success with Your Child with Special Needs By Douglas Doman

Sometimes, a parent of a child with special needs will ask me, “Douglas, with your experience teaching families with kids with special needs for decades, what recommendations could you give to my family in order to have success with the program? For more than forty-five years, I have had the opportunity to work with thousands of families from more than fifty countries from around the world. For a long time, the team at Doman International and I have considered the ideal plan for our families of special needs children or adults. This ideal scene starts from the time a family learns about the Doman Method? and continues after a family has completed years of our Advanced Program.

What is the best way to achieve maximum results and wellness using the Doman Method? The best and toughest families will do the program as long as the results are worth the effort. There have been times I have seen immobile children start our program and begin crawling within a few days or weeks. There are times that the progress can be spectacular with very little effort. However, these are the exceptions and not the rule. Most parents need to work for longer periods to achieve big wins. Sometimes, a family will get started and give up after a few months. “After a few months” is not enough time to make a significant difference in an injured brain for some children.

It greatly saddens me when I see this happen -- the family did not really give the program a chance. This is heartbreaking, a child who could have received many significant wins such as the ability to read, talk or walk, never got the chance. For the special needs child this may mean she or he will never get the chance in their entire lifetime.

With decades of experience with our families, what is the ideal plan? What is the best way to get the best results? This is the question. All of our experience indicates that our families need to make at least a two year commitment of doing the Advanced Doman Program. The Advanced Doman Program is our state of the art, top of the line program. This is the program with by far the best results.

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