Your Personal War and How to Win
Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from:
In my line of work, I’m pretty attuned to the process of selling a business, and by extension, PREPARING to sell a business.
I can say with confidence, selling a business is very much like going to war.
This might sound dramatic, but I can back it up…
Today, in less than 5 minutes, I’ll give you:
?? The 10 stages of winning your war
?? How to execute each one
?? 5 things to store in your war chest
When I describe this process of “Going to War”, I break it down into 10 stages.
Here they are:
Armed with the readiness to seize opportunity, you're going to do so when you see it.
Armed with the resources, documents, systems, and processes to showcase the opportunity, you're going to use them.
Armed with the employees and leaders to run the business in your absence, you're going to make this believable.
Armed with the openness to multiple forms of sale, you're going to find a fit.
Armed with a plan of action, you're going to execute on it.
Armed with a compelling narrative, you're going to speak it into existence.
Armed with the perfect hero and a position of strength, you're going to bring about a decisive victory in the form of selling your business for life changing money.
It’s all great to understand conceptually how to “go to war” for your business, but you also need tactics for how to get there.
I made an incredibly comprehensive video walking through exactly how I recommend following these 10 steps. You can catch it here to help personalize this to your business:
We recently did a pretty big overhaul to update our service offerings in my company. We started taking notes of some of the tools, systems, and processes we have seen work across different industries to help businesses grow.
Here is one solution we prescribe for each core operational area to help business owners grow their business more:
A Training Handbook setup - in order to scale up any set of operations, you have to have standards and practices that go beyond just what you are doing yourself as an owner. I like to build out a comprehensive handbook to address the various needs of the business and to give a roadmap to employees and managers for how to handle things without input from the owner. Having this in place streamlines training of new employees and helps you remove yourself from the business more.
A Recruiting/hiring pipeline - hiring people can be expensive - both time-wise and money-wise. I like to build out automation and systems around the hiring process to help streamline it for owners or their managers. The key is that to be able to hire quickly and efficiently, you need to be able to take potential hires through a funnel, just like marketing to customers. You can build out a pipeline to ensure that your potential hires can do just that by providing automation for some of the extra touch points needed to do it effectively. This helps you sort through more people in the hiring process, ensuring that you can eventually find the right fits.
A Sales pipeline - speaking of pipelines, I believe in building out a sales pipeline as well. For people considering buying from you as a business, there is often a journey they take leading into the purchase. To do this at scale, an effective strategy can be building in some extra automated touch points to help them along the journey in the purchasing decision. This helps you systematize the process needed for someone to make an informed decision and then scale up sales by taking a lot of people through it.
Social Media marketing automation - the same way it is prohibitively expensive to hire an in-house CFO, it is very expensive to hire an in-house social media manager. A good alternative to this can be using technology and automation to schedule out social media posts for your business. I like to create marketing materials in large batches and schedule them to post over time, so that it is done once, then repeated regularly. This helps you gain exposure for your business regularly, building awareness, and nurturing prospects who are considering a purchase with your business.
If growing your business to sell is like war, these are your various pieces to place in your war chest. Each one adds tremendous value to your business in a way that can get you more money for it. You don’t grow without intentionality, strategies, and tools to get there. These are things you can put in place to get there.
If you’re curious how we set any of these things up, grab some time here and we’ll help you create a plan for your next stage of growth.
Those who win wars do so with great strategy. Remember to always be strategic in your business, and keep your goal in mind.
Be great. Keeping growing and aspiring. And as always: I hope you got something from this.
If you did, share it with a friend who may too, as this is the best way for me to grow it and make this better.
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Happy value-building to all of you!
See you next time for Better Business Brief,
If you are considering selling your business soon, let’s talk. Grab some time here and we’ll make sure your plan is on track.