Are your personal information secure?
Allan Cervin, MBA
Commercial Strategist | Transforming Visions into Revenue | Customer Innovation | Financial Services, Fintech and IT | Sales Performance | Market expansion
Every day we as people and organizations are inventing new sensors, and those sensors are being deployed. They're being deployed on our bodies. We have Apple Watch Series 4, FitBits, we have smartphones that can do all kinds of things. They have GPS, they have accelerometers, they can detect motion.
And then we have all kinds of sensors being deployed all across our cities, cameras, face recognition, motion detectors sensing signals of cellphones.
So every day there are new sensors with new data being collected. In addition to that, we're all on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and what have you, and there's all this what we call digital exhaust being created. Every time you go online and you click, use your phone, and you do something online, that is creating your own digital exhaust around you. Then add the more protected information such as bank or credit card transaction information.
Increasingly so, people are recognizing the value and or risk of having access to that data. Things that are measured and monitored can be analyzed. Things that are analyzed are better able to be managed. It can be monitored health information e.g. from a smart watch that can save lives and this data can also be abused by people and organization with the wrong morals and ethics.
The big question is who manage and monitor your personal data? Yes, we have e.g. GDPR regulations. However, how do you regulate Stats and Governments access to your personal data?
In highly regulated countries such as the Nordic countries, everything and any data from birth to death by individual is collected by the States and Governments!
George Orwell’s book “1984” describes a repressive, totalitarian regime. The novel has become famous for its portrayal of surveillance and the state's increasing interference with individual rights.
Another famous term is known as the “salami method” and that can be the policy of small steps.
You can select to trust your Stat and Government (politicians and government officials) will always act with high moral and ethics.
And it is a little worrying that these regulations such as GDPR do not include States and their administration systems!
The above are my personal thoughts and in no way represent my employer!