Your Path to Optimal Health in 2019

Your Path to Optimal Health in 2019

Is it time for you to take control of your health? We have compiled a short list of essential steps you can take to ensure success in your health journey…


By re-framing how you think about health. How many times have you complained about your poor health? The more you tell yourself and others you are not well and are stuck with your lot, the stronger the habit becomes… it’s called creating a victim pattern, and eventually, you create a new neurological pathway in your brain reinforcing the belief that you will never be well.

Each cell in your body has memory... which is how we build up immunity from childhood diseases... and as every muscle and nerve and gland in your body is composed of cells... it is easy to see how powerful those memories must be...

It cannot be stressed more vigorously that until you change how you think about your health, you will remain trapped, and no matter how many medications you take to alleviate the symptoms, how many diets you try, and how many exercise regimes you try… until you address the true source of your issue… you are doomed to fail.

Your body is designed to function correctly. It is designed to survive, and it is very complex but understands with certainty that what the body built... including malfunctioning cells... it knows how to heal... or get rid of.

The body knows how to heal over scrapes and wounds and injuries and how to generate new cells and new tissue whenever needed. And the body knows equally well how to regulate its own healthy functioning by regulating heart rate and breathing, controlling body temperature and blood pressure, and how to heal and restore all the cells in your body.

And if your mindset is one of achieving positive optimal health, it can do it all effortlessly... and unconsciously... without your conscious mind even being aware of it... just like it pumps your blood and keeps you breathing without you having to be consciously aware of it

Never underestimate the power of your mind to heal and assist you in your healing process, and it begins by addressing your mindset around health. Hypnosis is a powerful way to reframe and reset how you think about your health, and create new neural pathways that help lead you to optimal health.

If you really listen to body... your intuition... it will tell you what you to do... what to eat... what not to eat... where your thinking is at... and what you need to do to heal... you just need to listen and follow though... and if one thing doesn’t work... then dig deeper...


Our body is constantly working to dispel toxins and unwanted matter from its various systems. Over time, the body gets run down from unhealthy food choices, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, stress and environmental toxins that are a part of modern day life.

No matter how healthy you feel your diet or lifestyle may be, external factors like pollution and environmental toxins have a taxing burden on our natural detoxifying processes, reducing our body’s ability to recharge and dispel anything that is impeding our optimal level of health and vitality.

When our vital organs are placed under too much pressure and unable to work efficiently, this is when illness and disease can appear. Taking time to cleanse the body and nurture these vital organs go a long way in prevention, and also has immediate effects of greater energy, clearer skin, better digestion, improved mental clarity and so much more.

The body does everything it can to bind and eliminate these chemicals every day. The major eliminator organs are the colon, skin, kidneys and lungs. These organs should go through a daily detoxification process.

If this doesn’t happen the waste products and toxins accumulate in the cells and tissues of the body, which in turn causes inflammation and damage that leads to chronic disease and abnormal brain and nervous system activity.

Protein is crucial for the proper function of the two major detoxification pathways inside the liver cells — called the Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification pathways. Opt for organic grass-fed beef and wild-caught seafood.

Fruits contain a wide variety of phytonutrients, such as beta-carotene, lutein, and anthocyanins that have protective antioxidant properties. They are also a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber and are high in water content.

Among their nutrients, non-starchy vegetables provide a wide variety of phytochemicals and fiber.

It’s a really good practice to fast every day for 12 hours after our last meal: Eight hours to complete food processing plus four to allow for detoxification. So if your last meal is at 10 pm, don’t eat anything before 10 am. Try going without lunch to change it up a little.

During a cleansing period most people will feel a myriad of different experiences. Many feel tired and weak for the first two days and then often feel clear and peaceful by the third day.

Some people remark that they feel the best while they are cleansing while others feel awful. Therefore, it is important to practice clean eating and supplement with high quality nutritional supplements while detoxing to ensure your body is getting adequate nutritional support in the detox process.

It is also advantageous to use coconut oil during the cleansing period to enhance detoxification processes. Coconut oil feeds the immune system and helps provide medium-chain triglycerides that destroy parasitic microorganisms. It also helps to provide a clean energy source for the brain and reduces inflammation.


You cannot get and stay healthy without eating healthy wholesome, preferably organic and pasture raised food. Eliminating processed, genetically modified, packaged foods and fast foods cooked in highly processed vegetable oils is an essential step on your path to optimal health. Notice how your body reacts to certain foods.

- Does it make you feel tired or sluggish?

- Does your stomach feel upset?

- Does it impair your thinking (brain fog)?

- What about your energy level?

You should be rejuvenated shortly after eating, not any of the above. If you feel any discomfort when eating certain types of food… STOP eating it!

Chew your food thoroughly so your digestive organs have an easier job, and be mindful when you eat… notice and savor the taste of each mouthful.

Avoid eating when stressed or in a stressful situation as your flight or fight center is switched on, as it diverts blood away from your digestive system making it harder to process and digest food.

Try to avoid snacking throughout the day, give your digestive system a break by intermittent fasting between main meals.


Movement is an essential part of moving toward optimal health. Exercise, even something as simple as walking stimulates your feel good hormones.

Try an early morning walk or run (preferably barefooted) in nature or along the beach before the sun rises, as the earth’s energy will flow up through your feet lifting your mood and energizing your body ready for your day.

A barefooted evening walk in nature just as the sun sets allows the earth’s energy to drain off any negative energy you have accumulated during your day and prepares you for a relaxed, calm evening and sound peaceful sleep.

If you do not have access to a beach or forest, go to your local park or stand barefooted on the earth in your back yard and do some exercises… it works!

Exercise is a powerful step toward optimal health but careful not to over-exercise. Over-exercising puts extra stress on your body, raises your cortisol level and releases toxins into your body.


You’ve likely heard conflicting information about nutritional supplementation. Many dietitians say they are unnecessary, don't work and that you can get adequate nutrition from your diet... but can you?

On the other hand, many functional medicine doctors on the leading edge of new research are advocating that nutritional supplementation is essential for optimal health… and for good reason.

As the Standard American Diet (SAD) and diets of other western nations shift further and further away from nutrient-dense foods like high-quality grass-fed and pasture-raised animal protein and fresh organic vegetables, nutrient deficiency is becoming a widespread epidemic.

But even if you’re following a more nutrient-dense diet full of quality protein and fats, you can no longer rely on getting all of your nutrients from food.

Unfortunately modern farming practices deplete the soil of essential nutrients. When plants are repeatedly grown on the same land, sometimes three crops per year, the soil loses vitamins, minerals, and microbes faster than they can be replaced.

Over time, the plants have fewer nutrients to grow. Fertilizer contains just enough nutrition for the plant to survive until harvesting, but not enough to support human health. In addition, most plants are not harvested fresh. They sit on trucks, in cold rooms, and on shelves and counters for weeks before being eaten. Over time, the nutrient content of these plants decreases.

Most modern fruits and vegetables are grown to increase their sugar content, not their nutrient value [1]. As a result, the most common fruits and vegetables are artificially high in fructose and lower in key nutrients [2].

When plants contain fewer nutrients, the animals that eat these plants are also malnourished. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Health found copper levels in the UK have dropped 90% in dairy, 55% in meat, and 76% in vegetables [3]. Copper is an essential nutrient that helps to regulate several pathways in the body, including energy production and brain function [4].

Nutrient deficiencies hurt your performance, causing DNA damage, making you age faster, and contributing to chronic disease. If that’s not convincing enough, here are 10 more reasons you should consider nutrient supplementation. Read more reasons here:

In many ways, nutritional supplements are to humans what fertilizer is to plants. Give a plant adequate amount of sunlight and water, and it will survive. Add some nutrient-rich fertilizer (organic, of course), and the plant will thrive.

For us humans, the same principle applies. A healthful, balanced diet supplies the body with sufficient nutrients to carry out routine tasks. High-quality supplements such as vitamins, minerals, pre and probiotics, enzymes, amino acids, essential fatty acids, phytochemicals, and herbal extracts enrich the body's internal environment to fortify cellular protection, and regeneration, repair and support the renewal process.

But nutritional supplementation alone will not create optimal health; we need to eat nutritious organic wholefoods and follow all the steps outlined in this article.

If you want somewhere to access powerful high-quality pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements containing vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, pre and probiotics, herbal extracts, quality protein and antioxidants and, with over 90% bodily assimilation, then visit this page:


Keeping your body hydrated with fresh, clean, and preferably filtered water is another essential step toward optimal health. Many times your lack of energy, sudden onset headaches, and lack of mental clarity are due to dehydration. Buy yourself a good water filter... one that eliminates fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, e-coli and other nasty substances from your water... and re-mineralises and oxygenates the water. Make sure you are drinking 2/3 your body weight in ounces of clear, fresh clean filtered water every day...


The glymphatic system is a recently discovered macroscopic waste clearance system that utilizes a unique system of peri vascular tunnels, formed by astroglial cells, to promote efficient elimination of soluble proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system.

Besides waste elimination, the glymphatic system also facilitates brain-wide distribution of several compounds, including glucose, lipids, amino acids, growth factors, and neuromodulators. Intriguingly, the glymphatic system functions mainly during sleep and is largely disengaged during wakefulness.

Insufficient quality sleep impairs your lymphatic system, causing toxin build up. Without quality sleep in the right amounts on a consistent basis, your body cannot effectively detoxify.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that regulates sleep, wakefulness, and circadian rhythms in humans. The pineal gland is a small gland located deep in the center of the brain. Melatonin is synthesized from the essential amino acid tryptophan.

Melatonin secretion manifests a circadian rhythm. Secretion is low during daylight, ascending after the onset of darkness, peaking in the middle of the night between 9 pm and 3 am, and then falling sharply before dawn.

If you are struggling with good sound sleep, a supplement blend of melatonin, tryptophan, Theanine and GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) and, the herbal extracts, Skullcap Extract, Ashwagandha Extract , Bacopa Monnieri Extract, Valerian Root Extract, Passion Flower, Extract, Hops Extract, Chamomile Extract might be of assistance.

Having trouble sourcing a good blend? Message me and I will point you in the right direction.


It is estimated that the average person in modern western cities comes into contact with around 80,000 chemicals a day, vehicle emissions, environmental pollutants, pesticides and herbicides, mold around your living environment, household cleaning products, makeup and personal care products.

Even toxins from new carpets and furniture... you know that nice new smell... well that smell is not good for you... and the same goes for the new car smell... they are all toxins that enter your body and brain through your nasal passages.

Add to that glyphosate in Round-up and other pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture production are present in the food we eat and are one of the major causes of leaky gut syndrome. Fluoride and Chlorine in our water supply are also big factors in thyroid dysfunction.

Toxins can trigger and switch on different genes in different people. So you can have the smoker who has smoked for 60 years and does not have a heart condition or lung cancer, and on the other hand, you can have someone exposed to second-hand smoke that develops lung cancer.

These toxins interfere with the integrity of the cells to the point that the immune system begins to look at those cells as foreign and, as a natural response to protect the body, attacks the affected cells.

Start by removing toxic cleaning products from your home and replace with environmentally-friendly products or create your own. A lot of Grandma’s cleaning solutions like baking soda and lemon juice are just as effective and much safer to use.






Disclaimer Note: just because an herbal supplement may be natural doesn't mean it’s safe. If you are under a doctor’s care or on any kind of medications, always check with your therapist or physician before taking any herbal supplements. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The total content material of this article is in relation to the investigation and viewpoints of the publisher, except if otherwise noted. The content on this website is not meant to substitute a one-on-one relationship with a certified health care specialist and is not intended as medical health advice.

It is designed as being a expressing of information and knowledge through the investigation and practical experience of the numerous authors. You should try to make your individual healthcare decisions dependent on your research and in collaboration with a qualified health care professional.

Abdulrafiu Aiyepe

Head, Business Intelligence & Digital Transformation

6 年

Well done Paul... This is a very healthy information. The extent to which plant-based sources can provide excellent sources of nutrition is endless. Organic foods is number one right way to eat for everyone. You may check out THAT PROTEIN for healthier lifestyle changing. Safe!



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