Your Path To Your Life
Otis McGregor, CPD, LTC(R)
Fractional COO Expert | CEO & Founder | Leadership Expert | Keynote Speaker | Inventor | Author
This Week’s Summary:
Learned: Avoid the sidebar demons
Planning: Hip-pocket training
Business idea: Hospitality
Vet Opp: Veteran Events
I met: Faith to do what’s right
Stoic Quote of the Week
Never esteem anything as of advantage to you that will make you break your word or lose your self-respect.
-Marcus Aurelius
What I learned this week:
I talked to a guy I met last night at Holy Smokes about many things in our lives, from spiritual to relationships to walking your path. He shared this amazing story of a vision that someone had of him walking along a path with demons on either side and occasionally on the path. It was a fascinating story and holds such a brilliant lesson in our lives. He told me the demons would reach out and grab at him and try to pull him off the path as he walked, but as long as he continued to move forward on the path, the demons could not stop him. If a demon were on the path, he would fight him only long enough to continue down his path.
I talked about focus in last week’s edition, and it is important enough to revisit my friend’s story of his path and demons. We all have a path in life to walk down. Sometimes, we are certain, and it is a well-groomed and managed path; other times, it isn’t as obvious. It is still our path. Our path that when we choose to walk it, we will live in our purpose. But beware the demons. The demons on the path are the obstacles that must be overcome to succeed, the obstacle is the way and makes you stronger. The demons or obstacles on your path have to be dealt with. There is no avoiding them. That is life, and that is success. The real problem comes when we try to fight all the demons. When you stop moving down your path to face the demon on your left or right, you are no longer moving down your path, and no matter how hard you fight that demon, it will win because it is keeping you from walking your path. Those demons, distractions, gremlins, whatever you want to call them, that are not only your path are nothing more than noise in the background. Noise that you can swipe away. That you can quickly move past because they are not stopping you. They are only grabbing at you. You are the one who allows them to stop you.
Have clarity in your path. Be strong in who you want to be and overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. Everything else is just noise. Do not be pulled off your path by the demons off to the side.
Planning thought of the week:
Just because you can delegate a task to a team member doesn’t mean they are ready to take it on. As your business grows, your team has to grow also. I’m not just talking about numbers. I’m talking about responsibility and leadership. As you build out your plan for your business growth over the next five years, you must include training and developing your team as part of the plan. This is the best way to ensure your success.
Business idea I heard about or thought of:
I spent four full days walking the floors of Shot Show in Las Vegas last week. Wow! What a collection of guns, optics, and ammo there was to choose from. Those four days were all day walking each hallway and eye-balling each exhibit, and I barely covered it all. Besides the volume, the thing that impressed me the most was the support staff. It is rare that you have an event this large with as many badge checkers and information people as you are at the show. The most impressive thing was how friendly, knowledgeable, and willing to help each of them was! I’m not sure what agency provides that support, but I would love to give them tons of credit for having the best hospitality culture I’ve experienced at a show of any kind. That is impressive. Most of the folks had no supervisor around because they were one-of’s manning a station. We need to all strive for that kind of culture in our company.
The Steel Men Tribe is launching in February. If you want to be part of this small, tight-knit tribe of men changing the world, go to Steel Men Tribe and schedule a call to see if you are a fit.
Veteran opportunity of the week:
Here is a great resource to reference when you are looking for Veteran resources or events, Outreach Events.
Someone I met this week:
Devin is the man I mentioned above. He is a man of faith and spirituality grounded in the human nature of learning and implementing. One of the things I loved talking with Devin about is that we as humans want to jump ahead, We want to go for our PhD before we have graduated high school. We are unwilling to take the time to focus on the basics and create the foundation for ourselves so we can be successful. And it isn’t just about building up; sometimes, we have to dig it up and start over. I’ve built plenty of projects over the years that I’ve had to hit the restart button on. That is what Devin talks about. It isn’t just about moving forward on a rickety foundation because, eventually, that foundation will fail. We have to be willing to go back, dig deep, and reset that foundation to have more and grow more in life.
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Here's a link to the current 10X Your Team with Cam & Otis podcast episode, Embracing Emotional Intelligence in Leadership - Dr. Sas | 10x Your Team Ep.?#397.
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CEO of Jetlaunch Publishing | 18x Bestselling Author | Creator of the Book Wealth System
4 周I like how you’re focusing on balancing training with real-world application