Your Path to Greatness in Leadership

Your Path to Greatness in Leadership



Have you ever been put in a spot where you needed to steer the ship's wheel? Well, that's too much of a metaphor for an intro but you get the point. For some, it could be just a walk in a park; something natural – an inborn skill but for me, I had to learn most of it the hard and uncomfortable way.???

Jumping into the corporate realm, I wasn't expecting to be handed over such big projects and tasks I couldn’t even imagine accomplishing. I needed guidance, I needed a solid army that would back me up and look after me if things went south. I needed a mentor.??

So, if you're chasing leadership or handed over this responsibility, take this first piece of advice: DON'T PANIC! But prepare for a straightforward awakening. Remember, leadership will never be for the faint of heart, but for the courageous ones who can embrace the uncomfortable truth and still choose to lead.??

Introducing your path to greatness in leadership!?

Everyday Leadership Digest?

If you’re like me, who wasn't etched in childhood dreams of CEO suites or podium pronouncements, this would be a mountain that needs to be moved rather than a ship that we should sail. Not to sound dramatic but I think I will, I rarely was the hand-picked hero, the golden child of potential. I was the bumbling underdog, the kid who tripped over shoelaces and spilled coffee on important clients. For me, leadership was a word draped in power suits and boardroom extravaganza. Something whispered with reverence, envied, and, perhaps, a touch of fear. In short, IT'S SCARY.????

Everyday Leadership, hmm, it sounded so appealing and interesting to me. This title sparked some crucial questions like, what kind of leader should I be? Am I capable of leading? What traits do I have that could be leveraged for this role? Can I lead a team? And a lot more.???

Why Should I Even Care About this Workshop???

A lot of my early ingrained perception of leadership was debunked and justified through this event. Here are some:??

  • Being a leader doesn’t always mean to be feared??
  • Being a leader shouldn't always be about having an iron fist???
  • A leader who shows compassion is a weakness??
  • Brutal means assertiveness??

What I realized after going through this workshop is that leading isn't always about grand visions and overly motivational speeches. It's about the nitty-gritty, the thankless hours spent wrestling with spreadsheets and calming ruffled feathers. It is also about facing uncomfortable situations, navigating heart-wrenching ethical dilemmas, and making decisions that leave your stomach churning. Leading also means taking accountability, admitting you're wrong, and owning up to mistakes.?

Let’s Dissect the Workshop?

Picture this: a team trapped in a rut, morale at an all-time low, innovation deader than a disco ball in a retirement home. Who would you want to save you? What kind of superhero or leader would you want to direct your salvation??

What I loved most about this workshop is they didn't hold back in providing concrete examples of what a leader should NOT be. I think that’s brave.???

Things to avoid in leadership:??

  • Office Politics??

Office banter will always be at play. But as a leader, there should be a clear wall between sensible out-of-work conversations and pure manipulation storytelling. This doesn't just waste time but also decreases team morale and company integrity.???

  • Micromanagement??

The Control Freak: A tyrannical boss micromanages every aspect of their employees' lives, driving them to the brink of burnout and chaos??

  • Lack of Direction??

A leader who lacks direction will most probably ripple down to rank-and-file staff. A talented employee might feel adrift in a job that offers no direction or purpose.??

  • Emotions??

While we should all consider emotions in making big decisions, the right amount of emotional intelligence should be handy. Using too many emotions can cause a high-pressure workplace that pushes employees to their emotional limits, leading to breakdowns, conflicts, and unexpected displays of vulnerability??

  • Lack of passion??

Showing less or no passion at all will transcend how your team executes your orders. A flock of employees fed up with the lack of passion and purpose in their work leads to a reckoning for the company and forces them to re-evaluate their values and position in the bigger picture of the company, thus, resignation.???

But hey, this workshop also drilled down things you can do to become a great leader to avoid the aforementioned?nightmare!??

  • Be willing to teach and explain??
  • Allow people to take ownership of what they do??
  • Have confidence??
  • Become laser-focused on your goals??
  • Have discipline???
  • Show the right amount of compassion and support to your team??
  • Be a jack of all trades (might be a disadvantage but knowing how each member works in your organization will help you manage them effectively)??
  • Be firm in your decisions???

Strategic Transformation?

Transitioning from being the underdog to a full-fledged leader will surely take some time. Being strategic about it will be key. Jenkins carefully crafted a step-by-step process with clear requirements on how to become the best leader you can be.?


What you need:?

  • Talent?
  • Motivation?

Motivating Factors:??

  • Fortune?
  • Family?
  • Fame?

  • Freedom?

What might hold you back in making decisions??

  • Complacency?
  • Fear?

Wrapping it Up!?

The workshop ended with a soft reminder to surround yourself with the right people, which I think is both powerful and beautiful. Humans are wired to be codependent. No matter how well we know ourselves more than anyone, it's a given that we adapt to situations, environments, and people’s behavior.???

These people are the ones who:??

  • Share your values and goals. You don't have to agree on everything, but having a shared foundation is essential for building strong relationships.??
  • Challenge you to think differently. The right people will push you outside your comfort zone and help you see things from new perspectives.??
  • Support you unconditionally. Life throws curveballs, and the right people will be there to catch you when you fall. They'll celebrate your successes and pick you up when you're down.??
  • Inspire you to be a better person. We all have room to grow, and the right people will make you want to be the best version of yourself.?

Jenkins beautifully relayed all points in a digestible manner while Kami did a really good job throwing questions that made the presentation more interactive and allowed our brains to participate in the discussion. That one was a good breakroom session to ensure audiences were engaged and involved in the discussion. It removed the monologue barrier which I truly appreciate.???


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