Your Past does NOT Define YOU
Dustin Miller - PolyInnovator
??I teach Knowledge Management for Polymaths, + Generalists ???Host of the Polymath PolyCast, and Creator Spotlight by PolyTools!
Your Past does NOT Define?YOU
This is another post idea that I found in my backlog, that I desperately wanted to get it out. I’m not sure what I had intended from that original title, but the concept itself matters a lot to me.
I find myself thinking about timelines a lot, and what would have happened had this one thing changed. Causing a new branched timeline where my life (or your life) was completely different.
Small changes, decisions, and actions they all add up to who you are. Not to mention who you are meant to be (I guess there’s some predestination in this post today).
However despite all that, it does not DEFINE who you are.
Your Actions Make up Who YOU?ARE
The mannerisms you picked up along the way, the actions you took, and then essentially got data on in return (people’s reactions, the success of opportunities, etc).
Your current self is based on those data points all along the way, and you pull from that knowledge because of that.
Thus it would be easy to assume that everything you did and learned in the past would define who you are now. Yes?
Well, no.
While your previous actions do matter in the grand scheme of things, but it is your current actions that define who you are right now. Are you the friend that is there for another when called upon? Well that depends if you are “too busy” when they called last month. Are you the person to pick up extra shifts? Are you the person to work on the project when no one is around to see you do it?
While you may think a certain?way…
as a result of the choices you previously made. There is a difference of who you are now, to who you used to be. Even just yesterday was a different person, and once you realize that; Then you are free to make any decision on this current day.
We feel like we are beholden to how we defined ourselves before, but we are not.
Your actions today will define how people see you tomorrow, but again that too will change.
I’m not sure where I read it, but if you want to be known for something. Such as you’re currently known for showing up late, and you want to be known for being on time. That it only takes ten times of you doing that thing, for other people’s brains to see it as that way.
That is super simple to accomplish, and imagine what you could do if you applied it to even bigger things in life!