Your past can MAKE or BRAKE you, the effort is the same...
Tanya Hopper ??
Founder at Hopper Media LTD | Helping Coaches & Consultants Get More Leads & Sales with Video—Without Wasting Time on Editing or Figuring Out What to Say | 127 Clients Served | DM for More Info ??
A bit of back story…my Mum was a chronic alcoholic for years…one-day …she fell down the stairs sustaining an injury that ended her life...
But did she fall, or was she pushed?
I'm frantically dialling 999, my fingers are shaking so badly I can barely press the buttons…"she's not breathing I'm shouting to the operator…"
"Help is on it's way…" she tells me…
What felt like the blink of an eye, 2 ambulances and several police cars come screaming outside our home…
Mum goes in the ambulance, Dad goes in the Police car…
I'm whisked away to be interviewed…I'm sitting in a stuffy square room staring at one of those old 80's tape recorders…with the big red and white plastic buttons…
Hours tick by and no one comes…it felt like forever…
Two big burly social workers arrive, "You're going home, and don't worry, your Mum is going to be fine…"
Standing outside my beloved family home, the plastic tape reading 'Police LINE DO NOT cross' is whipping in the breeze, my house is a crime scene…
I'm walking into the lounge, expecting to see my Mum…only to met with several men in white coats collecting evidence…
Mum is nowhere to be seen and my heart sinks in my chest…
I later find out that she is in critical care and she won't last the night…Dad is released…no evidence…
And you can guess the rest…
So the thing is, I can sit around being a victim of the things that have happened, disempowering myself and telling myself a story to NEVER move forward in life…
OR I can use this experience as a GIFT…to learn from and HELP others…
You can't change the past, but you CAN change how you react :)
And I'm helping my clients to empower themselves and change their reactions to their own stories...
If this post resonated with you...drop me a PM and let's talk.