Your packaging game is really damn complicated!
How many hours have you spent driving yourself totally crazy trying to put your packages and offerings together?
“What do I put in them?”
“How do I price them?”
“How long should they be?”
“How do I do them?”
“Do I need a set structure?”
“What if it’s not long enough?”
I mean there’s just so many options right
So many things you could do
So many things that might work
So much stuff you could put in them
You’ve tied yourself up into a million knots with it let’s be honest
And just when you think you’ve nailed it and come up with something that little voice of doubt rears its head and then you’re not sure again
But here’s the thing you’re tying yourself into so many knots and you don’t need to, in fact you’re focusing on the wrong things when it comes to these packages and offerings!
Your ideal clients aren’t going to care if you’ve got everything and the kitchen sink in these packages and offerings or not, because what they care about is the result!
What’s in it for them?
What want is this package or offering going to cater for?
And once you know that, the rest can pretty much fall into place!
See what goes in to the package really depends on the result, once you have the result you can figure out what you need in it.
So what do you need to provide them with/do with them/work through with them to get them to THE result!
How do you wish to do it?
And there you have your package
Sure you can throw in a couple of extras if you like but the basis of it is simple
What you need to do to help them get there
That’s it!
Seems simple right?
Because actually it really is
The only time it becomes complicated is when we get bogged down by all these doubts and when we’re focusing so much on wanting to make it “worth it” that we try and put everything in the package or offering
But then we lose sight of what really matters
Of what really makes a package/offering valuable
And what makes it valuable and “worth it” is the RESULT
That’s where the value is
That’s what your ideal clients are going to focus on
So stop making things more complicated than they need to be
Focus on the result and build the package around it <3 <3
<3 <3
10 weeks to 10k is now BACK open!
Yes you totally read that right spaces have just opened back up on 10 weeks to 10k and these are the last spaces that will be opening this year!!
If you’re ready to:
Step up and claim 10k months as being your reality
Have packages that have your ideal clients totally adore
Be able to attract in HELL YES clients with complete ease
Consistently make 10k a month in total flow
Have the killer success mindset
Total clarity on your lead generation strategy
Focus on exactly how you position yourself as the expert
Then this is the programme for you!
As a BONUS you also get 12 months access into my newly launched monthly mastermind
So if you’re ready to make 10k months your reality BEFORE the end of the year even if you’re nowhere near 10k months right now, then hit message and let me know that you want more info and we can chat through about the programme and whether it’s the perfect fit for you <3