Be Your Own Super Bowl MVP!
Scott Carson
Investor, Entrepreneur, Marketer and Podcast Host. I have a passion for helping people to grow their investments and influence.
This Sunday marks one of the biggest and most widely watched sporting events of the year...the Super Bowl. And if you aren't hiding under a rock or an alien from another planet you've probably heard the chatter about Tom Brady trying to win his 7th Super Bowl ring by leading the Tampa Bay Buccaneers against the existing Super Bowl champs, the Kansas City Cheifs, and their young quarterback, Patrick Mahomes.
It promises to be an exciting game! But what are your plans for once the final whistle has sounded, the confetti has final, and the last bottle of champagne is popped in victory? I'm a huge sports fan but no matter who wins on Sunday, neither team or player is helping me get ahead. Are they helping you? With football season coming to an end, what are your plans to score and be your own Most Valuable Player in your own Super Bowl of life in 2021?
With the foreclosure and eviction moratorium coming to an end in March, now is a great time to learn how you can tap into a river of distressed debt and mortgages (at a HUGE discount) and create some Win-Win-Win scenarios for you, the borrowers, and the banks holding this paper. Our next Virtual Note Buying Workshop is in three weeks(February 26-28th) and we're running a Super Bowl Special at 25% off of the normal price!
Use the code TAMPA or KANSAS CITY to get that 25% discount!
And to add a little flair to the excitement, If you sign up before kick-off, we'll give those that pick the winning team an additional 25% off as well!
If you think the Buccaneers will win, use the code TAMPA.
If you think the Chiefs will win, use the code KANSAS CITY.
This way, everyone wins! We'll send out registration links, the manual, and replay links to our past Virtual Note Buying Workshop so that you can start learning and making money now when the class goes LIVE on February 26-28th. You don't need to beat the spread, the over/under, or bet on who wins the coin toss to be a winner!
So RSVP your spot to our February 26-28th Virtual Note Buying Workshop and pick a winner who has helped thousands of other note and real estate investors cash in on note investing!
Sign up now as the discount ends Sunday night at midnight!