Be your own inspiration today
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
Can you remember that movie or a book that gave you the motivation or energy to do something different? We have all watched movies like "Harry Potter series", "Star war series" and "Lord of the Rings". What is one thing that is common in each of these?
It's the "Hero's Journey" plot where the hero/group has little support and resources in the beginning but with their resolve and commitment, they battle through different situations and come out on the top.
Can you think of you own life story as a "Hero's journey"? When was the last time you had limited resources and little help but you still pushed yourself to achieve a particular goal or task?
We have all the resources we need to achieve what we want. Where we go lacking is our resolve and some resourcefulness. Isn't this a temporary limitation? What we thought difficult to achieve ten years ago is already with us. What we thought unattainable few years ago has become a normal part of our lives.
Finding inspiration doesn't always have to be external. We have done it so many times ourselves. We just need to get started again. We just need to have hope and faith in our abilities. We have to find that team, that friend or a group that is ready to listen and support us in moving forward.
It's been said that failure is the stepping stone towards success. The process is more important than the destination itself because our learning and growth never ends.
Let’s visualise our own life-story and believe in ourselves. Let's find our own inspiration because that will be always more powerful than anything you can find outside.
Self-Reflection Tips
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