Be Your Own Hero
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
As the College Term and 2021 closes, I am in the process of cluing things up on business for the year... and both reflecting and imagining on what if and the notion of belief and believing.
Aand, I have concluded Digital Coffees and more for the year, looking forward to 2022.
As I wrap things up, I am tuning into some sci-fi fantasy movies (my fave genre)... and a thought is occurring to me ... that I think we need to consider being the hero of our own story, as Chadwick Boseman spoke on. We need to consider that which Matthew McConaughey addressed as being our own hero to chase.
Consider the words of Invictus.
These past 92 weeks have brought challenge and opportunity, trial and triumph, disappointment and Daring, badness and Boldness. But, in all, and amidst this time of reflection and imagining, I am remembering that we get to define our best Character in our story.
We get to decide how we will best respond. For me, and right now, Strength, Fortitude and Forbearance matter. Much has departed, and there has been grieving. It continues, and it will onwards. Indeed, it can and does bring meaning... depending on our response.
Yes, these three strengths of Character matter to me now. Their practice matters. But so do the strengths found in and drawn from these words.
Over this break, I will reflect and imagine. And, I will ponder these words, and the importance of defining and carving Character in response to life, and to build my own best life.
That is Responsibility. Think about it. The ability to respond. Responsibility.
Responsibility, manifested in our best practice of Dominion, Audacity and Candor.
All that we know is that we have this physical life. All that we bring to it, is what we leave it. Responsibility. Dominion. Audacity. Candor. Everything requires Everything.
As 2022 quickly approaches, I am pondering new chapters and a sharpening of the blades on Purpose and Character and Unity. I am considering my own perspectives on Leadership.
I am pondering my MARK.
I am considering The Unity Guy thing... and my perspectives on business and teaching... and Congruence.
I am pondering writing and cartooning. I am considering what the proverbial "next book" of Barry looks like.
Being our own hero. What might that look like? What soulful dreams matter? Maybe we are not the captain of our Soul as much as our Soul is the captain of our lives, if we but let it. What if we listened within; really listened? And, what if we heeded and acted upon what we heard? What IF, indeed and indeed.
I am going to disappear from this space for the remainder of this year, only sharing existing content as it inspires. I will be taking this time to reflect and imagine on living my best "next book and my own best Character; that hero within.
Wishing you the same... and a wondrous Season, however you celebrate it.
Peace, purpose and prosperity...