Your OSHA Summary Should be Posted

Your OSHA Summary Should be Posted

“When and where do I need to post my OSHA log? What should I include?”

Your HR Survival Tips

Your OSHA summary should have been posted on 2/1. An OSHA log and summary are kept by every company and show what, if any, workplace injuries, illnesses, and accidents you may have had in the past calendar year. You are responsible for maintaining a safe workplace, including safety training, so these documents show everyone how you've done.

OSHA logs (Form 301) are maintained for each incident and COVID-19 can be a recordable illness if an employee was infected as a result of performing their work-related duties. Use your logs to summarize everything on Form 300A (the Summary). The forms are easy to find online and come with instructions. Post your Summary near your employment law posters from 2/1 through 4/30 every year.

The form must be certified (i.e., signed) by an owner, corporate officer, or the highest-ranking person at the company. If you have more than one work site, a summary should be posted at each work site if that site is expected to be in operation for more than one year. You may group the information together into one summary if your various work sites are in operation for less than one year.

OSHA has been implementing and enforcing more rules for the workplace so you want to pay attention. Maintaining a safe workplace isn't that hard. In California, we have Cal/OSHA, and several years ago they required a written Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) for every company. If you need a good safety plan or help to make yours better, let us introduce you to our experts.


