Your One Big Sales Problem
Renee Hribar
I Help Women Confidently Sell Their Skills ? Million Dollar Sales Coach ? Private & Group Coaching ? TEDx Speaker ? Author ?
You may have noticed that I like to attend and host events (I am an extra-extrovert).
In the past 3 months, I have attended and hosted LIVE in-person events. When I do, I always meet great people doing amazing things with their businesses.
But I noticed a pattern. . .
I kept hearing the SAME thing over and over . . .
"Renee, ad spend is increasing and I can't FIND the same amount of customers I used to".
And all I can see is literally potential customers EVERYWHERE.
Nearly EVERY Entrepreneur I meet at these events is DOING so much.
The BIGGEST issue of all. . .? almost ALL of this only creates MORE space between YOU and the people who actually need YOU (and could pay YOU for YOUR services).
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But something is missing: CONNECTION.
If you AGREE that meeting someone in person increases your Know, Like & Trust factor, but you aren't ready to rush out to a convention center just yet . . .
keep reading
If you AGREE that you cannot meet everyone in person (and don't really WANT to)? . . . this is for you
. . . especially if you are a coach, consultant, or service provider.
This big problem has an easy solution:
Wait up, I see you running for the ESC button . . . it's for that reason right there you miiiight need to hear this.
Getting on the phone with at LEAST 3, 4 or 5 people every week, even every OTHER week, even ONCE a MONTH will make a HUGE impact on your sales.?
Since the day I brought this side of my business online, I would ask myself:
"Why aren't people just TALKING to other people MORE??"
I thought:
"Well, maybe that's just not how it's done on the internet". . .
But then one day, I was listening to Pat Flynn's Podcast and he said that he makes it a regular practice to get on the phone with at least 10 of his email subscribers each month.
Pat freakin' FLYNN.
It was at that moment I knew I wasn't crazy.
You know what I mean. . . we all need someone to validate our ideas, even when we know in our heart we are right.
So let's talk about this PHONE CALL.
(I can see you rolling your eyes. . . hear me out)
These are NOT hour-long, deep-dive sessions.
These are short 10-minute chats.
I am talking about a 10-minute phone call (use Facebook Messenger Audio -- it's free and brilliant for worldwide calls) where you GENUINELY want to get to know the person, ask them questions and BEGIN to develop a connection.
I do NOT teach TRANSACTIONAL SALES (so if that's you, STOP reading).
Developing long-term relationships with your audience benefits everyone.
(you KNOW this is true - think about the last person you bought something from)
Great news: There is a PREDICTABLE outcome to this.
Every call will ultimately result in 1 of only 3 possible outcomes.
*(for all of my Sell Like a Mutha' students, this is NOT news, they are probably tired of hearing me say it so much)
I call this the 3 C's
1. Connector
2. Collaborator
3. Client
Each one of these are BENEFICIAL to your business . . .
UNLESS . . . (there is a catch)
Unless . . . the WAY you get ON the call isn't framed correctly
Unless . . . WHO you get on the call with isn't identified correctly
Unless . . . WHAT you say on the call isn't clear and concise
THEN . . . It may be a challenge to move the relationship forward and be a huge waste of time.
THIS is where MOST people have gotten STUCK (or worse burned) and therefore they are trying to avoid phone calls like their mother-in-law's meatloaf.
Don't worry - I won't leave ya hangin' - I'm here for ya!!
If this feels hard, we should hang out more!!
Start with my FREE Training today (while it’s still free)