A Web3 startup is difficult to build. There will be a lot of difficulties and barriers in your path. The tools you utilise to start and grow your Web3 business will be essential to your entrepreneurial journey. If they are effective, they will enable you to save time, money, and work toward your objectives.
We at
have been developing a blockchain-enabled InsurTech for more than two years, and our platform has drawn more than 130,000 active users in Vietnam alone. We have used a variety of tools to assist us at various points along the way, and we would want to share a list of those resources with you.
- CryptoCurreny Jobs: The leading job board for blockchain jobs and cryptocurrency jobs.
- Remote3: Discover remote Web3 Jobs worldwide at companies working on blockchain, smart contracts, DeFi, NFT, crypto, etc. Connect and hire remote workers in the Web3 space.
- Meritverse: The professional network for Web3.
- Web3 Career: 25635+ (at the time or writing this post) Web3 jobs as a Blockchain Developer, Web3 Developer, Smart Contract Developer, and more.
- Web3 Meetups: A platform that gathers the best web3 meetups from across the world.
- The Whitepaper Database: The largest database of cryptocurrency whitepapers
- Fraam3: The NFTs can be shown and made to sparkle with a design layer using Fraam3.
- NFT Generator: The world's largest NFT collection creators trust the most potent no-code NFT tool.?
- Crew3: Contribute to your favorite Web3 communities and earn tokens, NFTs, and other rewards.
- Third Web: It's another new platform that makes it simple to connect DApps, develop NFTs, and have a user-friendly, no-code interface.
- Buildspace: A great place for Web3 newbies or developers looking to expand their skill set. The site has a tonne of weekend projects that are simple to understand and a vibrant community of builders who can help you.
- Moralis: One of the top providers of Web3 infrastructure, enabling developers to quickly engage with several Web3 services like authentication, NFTs, on-chain data, and smart contracts.
- Alchemy: One of the biggest unicorns in the Web3 and blockchain infrastructure market, Alchemy is a genuine beast. Alchemy offers Web3 developers and businesses a straightforward backend to the Ethereum blockchain development.
- Infura: Alchemy-like web3 infrastructure is offered by Infura. They provide top-notch IPFS APIs and Ethereum APIs, which are the foundation of Ethereum Dapps.
- Torus: A simple, safe, and non-custodial key management system for DApps is Torus. You can sign in using Facebook, Google, and other OAuth providers if you use a low-friction wallet.
- MythX: Verify the accuracy of smart contracts.
- Waffle: Smart contract testing.
- Remix: Remix IDE enables the creation, deployment, and management of smart contracts for blockchains similar to Ethereum.
- StaySAFU: Through an analysis of a token's liquidity, smart-contract code, holdings, and countless other characteristics, the SAFU Scanner enables you to quickly determine the likelihood that its owners would defraud you.
- UseDapp.io: Rapid Dapp Development.
- NFT.storage: Free, unrestricted bandwidth and storage for NFTs on Filecoin and IPFS. It is a long-term storage service made for off-chain NFT data (such as metadata, photos, and other assets) with a maximum upload size of 31 GiB.
- Web3.storage: The decentralised web is the most convenient place to store data. Utilize this easy API to store your data. It is open, quick, and cost-free.
- Koinly: You can quickly receive your tax refunds in cryptocurrency.
- Cryptio: Bring confidence to cryptocurrency counting.
- Crypto Weekly: Public fundraising events in the crypto industry.