Your Next STEP!
James Owens, CDS
SAFETY, Personal Growth/Development, CDL & FMCSA Compliance, Leadership, Employee Wellness, Natural Gas, OSHA Compliance & Facilitation! Creating discussions for awareness in 8 areas. No niche here, just trying to help!
There is a space near the gate to my back yard that I have been thinking about lately.? I know that may sound awkward; however, I have.? It is the area in front of the gate specifically, on the outside of my fence.? It grades away from the gate towards the French drain.? Currently, there are two flat cinder blocks there and one decorative stone. It creates a small gap between the bottom of the fence and the stones.? I think it is time I take the next STEP and put in one STEP there to improve the area and mitigate a trip hazard.? I should have put a STEP in by now, however the priority has been low.? It is time to raise the priority and make a STEP.? What area in your life do you need to insert a STEP or make a STEP in?? What does that process look like?? Let’s take a look:
What is the situation you are looking at, or considering?? Is it a STEP up or a STEP down?? Why are you considering it?? Is it just an awkward space like the area near my gate, or is it a necessary STEP up or forward?? In theory, if you don’t have an area or need for a STEP, you will ultimately be on same level, and that is not a bad thing.? It often takes us seeing a STEP to know that there is a new level, or an opportunity to rise up.? What is your situation?? Do you know your driving force?? Is it based out of necessity, need, or just a natural transition?? Is it in your personal or professional life?? Make sure you understand your situation and how it fits in your path to your goals and journey.? Just because there is a STEP there, it does not mean you need to STEP up on it.? You may not be ready for the next level.? ?Understand your why and your situation before you consider the next STEP.
How is the transition?? My gate is at the top of the grade for the area that I need to put the STEP in to help with the transition.? It will also remove risk that can cause me or others to stumble and fall.? What does the area near where you need to STEP look like in your personal or professional life?? The thing I need to look at is how that STEP will impact the runoff and grade for water between my fence, my house, and the fence/house next to me. It is all part of the same setback or side yard.? The challenge will be to still allow it and not divert it to cause an issue in my flowerbeds or in my neighbor’s yard.? Is there any risk or concern with you taking or making a STEP?? Have you considered the risk(s)?? How can you mitigate or lessen the risk in that area.? Would it create an issue if you transition to another level?? What can you do to help during that transition? What does the potential transition look like to those around you?? ?Does it create a risk for them?
Have you evaluated it?? What would you taking the next STEP look like?? How would it impact those around you?? Just like I have been thinking about that STEP near my gate in my back yard, I am quite sure that you have been thinking it over in your head.? What are the pros?? What are the cons?? Have you really evaluated the next STEP?? Many times, the next STEP may seem like a normal transition, however some take it without considering all the impacts, both positive and negative.? Before you take the next STEP to the next level, see if you can shadow or spend some time with someone who is already at that level or grade.? Ask them questions about the benefits and impacts to their personal and professional lives.? Both positive and the negative.? Then, after you get insight and feedback, set off some time to internalize and evaluate how it will impact you and those around you.? Is it necessary at this time?? How does it fit into your goals and dreams?? Will another STEP come in the future?? Is it just “a” STEP, or is it “the” STEP? ?You need to evaluate it.
What will the position look like?? How much will it take to make or take the STEP and how do you position it?? How much space do you leave between your proverbial fence posts?? What does the rise and run look like?? How far will your STEP stick out? How high will it actually lift you?? Is the work to create a STEP worth the opportunity?? Will the position cause runoff in other areas?? Will it extrude out and cause other concerns, or will it expel what needs to “flow” over and around you?? Have you measured the space to make sure a STEP will fit?? Are you in a position to take the STEP?? Do you need to, or are you ready to STEP out of the situation you are in?? You know where you are at, and hopefully you know that the position you are preparing to STEP up on and to will change things.? Are you ready for change?? Will your new position benefit your personal and your professional life?? What position will the next STEP put you in??
There is a lot of “-ion” in this message.? When you add a suffix like “ion” to a word, it changes a verb into a noun.? Often, we see the noun without considering the verb, or action that the suffix turns it into.? That is my free English lesson for you.? Have you considered the action(s) it will take to take the next STEP?? Make sure you understand your situation and why you are looking for the next STEP.? Understand what the transition will look like from the level you are on, ?and what the transition to the next level will look like.? Spend some time to evaluate where you are at and where the STEP will take you to.? Make sure you like where the position of the STEP will put you in your personal and professional life.? I know we are way beyond the theory of planning, however before you take a STEP, it is not too late to not take it.? If it is time for the STEP, make sure you STEP up with all your ability.? Remember, the best way to rise up to the next is one STEP at a time, and make sure you understand that the most important STEP is your next one.
Stay safe and stay well!
S – What situation are you looking at?
T – How is the transition?
E – Have you evaluated it?
P – What will the position look like?