Your Next Step Depends on Your Path
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We are living/working in interesting times. While some people know the future of their work and working arrangements (where they will work and which days), many still do not.? A significant number of organizations haven’t yet decided or communicated their future of work plans, while others have announced those plans but haven’t implemented (or have now delayed) them.? If you know your future work situation and are comfortable with it, this article may not be for you - share it with someone you know who still doesn’t know what their future holds or is waiting for that future to arrive.
That said, there are four groups I want to give some advice to at this important moment in time.? For each group, while the future is uncertain, I’m assuming there is some new complexity to the working arrangements, whether there is a hybrid or flexible component or just the realization that there will be some drift in the direction of hybrid work.? Here are the four groups, and some advice for each:
Note that my overall advice comes down to this: Be proactive.? Waiting rarely serves you, and certainly doesn’t now.? The future may be unclear or foggy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t seek the clarity and prepare for success in a different future. When the future is unclear those who get Remarkable Results continue to prepare, continue to learn, and continue to work.
Prepare and learn – that is what I hope to help you with here each week.
Enjoy the rest of your week – and the links to the resources below that will support your preparation and learning.? One or more may be just what you need to help you create Remarkable Results.
You are Remarkable!
Kevin ??
p.s.? Each week we produce the free Remote Work Newsletter.? If you want more practical ideas for remote and hybrid work, and what the future of work will hold, you can subscribe (for free!). It is one more way we are helping you get Remarkable Results.
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