Your Next CORA Inspection

Your Next CORA Inspection

In the past few years, the DoD’s Command Cyber Readiness Inspection (CCRI) program has grown and matured. It has transformed from an inspection compliance program to an operational readiness program underpinning mission assurance. And, along with the shift in mindset, the program has a new name.

In March 2024, the program was renamed to the Cyber Operational Readiness Assessment (CORA). While the name has changed, your need to be inspection-ready in short notice does not. SteelCloud’s ConfigOS can help you break through cycles of non-compliance and enter the no-worry zone with continuous compliance and readiness. Read on to learn more about CORA and how it helps ensure a strong cybersecurity foundation throughout the DoD.

Download the Data Sheet by clicking on the above image to learn how to take months out of your CORA prep.
Prepare ahead because it can be a cumbersome process.

Learn the basics of CORA and how automating the STIG process can remove months out of your CORA preparation, help you remain continually compliant, and do your part to break cycles of non-compliance across the DoD.

The goal of the DISA CORA (formerly known as CCRI) program is to protect sensitive Department of Defense data and networks from cyberattack.

CORA inspections are often scheduled with short notice. For many, that may not be enough time to get your data and other assets in order. Learn what you can do to prepare now and how to make CORA inspection day just another day at the office.

During COVID, CCRI's were put on hold. They are back, they are now known as CORA, and all around the DoD, departments and agencies are preparing for their assessments.

The DoD wants to see how serious you are about security. That your people are following protocols. That you are protecting CUI. That you are aligned with the mission. CORA covers a million little things, from data security to physical security to your overall security culture.

STIG compliance is a huge part of your CORA inspection.

This eBook covers everything from what STIGs are to why they break apps, how they help prevent phishing and ransomware, how they help establish Zero Trust, and what can simplify the process of STIG compliance.

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