This is your new SSD to reclaim your focus and awaken the genius from within.
Ahmadou DIALLO ?
I help part-time creators become better public speakers by mastering the art of storytelling.
“What man needs is to strive and struggle for a worthwhile goal.”
We are surrounded by small devices in our lives. Those devices are fast, thanks to the miniaturization of hard drives. One of the critical drivers of miniaturization is the SSD:
“A solid-state drive (SSD) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies to store data persistently, typically using flash memory, [...] even though SSDs lack the physical spinning disks and movable read–write heads used in hard disk drives (HDDs) and floppy disks.[3] SSD also has rich internal parallelism for data processing.”
Solid-state drive. (2023, March 6). In Wikipedia.
We will introduce a new SSD that will liberate and not enslave you.
Those devices have robbed me. My laptop has robbed me. My smartphone and smartwatch robbed me. I have been deprived of the most organic food for my genius from within: my focus.
SSDs of all sorts are draining me from my genius. Each day, I wake up. I have already turned on my smartphone. I go to work taking the same path. I am still using Waze on my phone. I turn on the computer at work. I do my 9 to 5. Each time I take a break, I scroll through LinkedIn or Twitter, chasing my dopamine hits.?
I have lost the ability to be bored. I lost the ability to daydream. I have lost the ability to invite my subconscious to the conversation. The more I give my time and focus to those smart devices, the less I can focus on one task that could change my day, month, or life.
If the product is free, you are the product. Let me repeat that. If the product is free, you are the product. Take a moment of silence and let it sink in. If it is free, you are the product.?
The GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft) are giving you free products while robbing you of the quintessence of life.?
We are all looking for one thing in life. We are all looking for fulfillment. And there is one sure way to get there. That is focus.?
When was the last time you were bored for more than 15, 10, 05, or even 01 minute without reaching for your smart device?
We all have our Eureka moments while doing chores, showering, or wandering “aimlessly” in Nature. When we let our brain breathe and allow it to stimulate free for at least five minutes, that is the calling for our subconscious mind to jump in.
Like the iceberg, our subconscious does the heavy lifting with its more powerful mode: its default mode.
I am often asked what the secrets of my creative moments are. I have searched for the door and the key to my creative world. The door is solitude, and the key is boredom.
I can assure you that solitude and boredom are the gates to deep thinking.?
Are you ready to swap your current SSD with a new type??
If you want fulfillment, this new SSD will give you back the key ingredient: your focus time. Let me explain.
Each day, make sure to have time, distraction-free, where you will invite:
1. Spotlight,
2. Starlight,
3. Daylight.
Those are the three magic lights that are switched on with one condition. You need to switch off those notification lights on your smart devices.?
Imagine that your spotlight, starlight, and daylight are like electrons. And your smart notifications are “bad” lights trying to interact with those electrons.
Are you ready for some Quantum mechanics?
Just kidding. I know nothing about quantum mechanics. Yet I am familiar with the observer effect with particles like electrons.
There is one property of electrons. You cannot measure their position and their velocity at the same time. The reason is simple. To observe an electron, you need light. But when you beam light to an electron, you provide it additional energy, and it will move away from its initial position.
Feel free to slap your uncle with that new “observer effect” at your next family dinner.
Now let’s see how you can embrace the new SSD and awaken the genius from within.?
1. SPOTLIGHT - Focus on a task long enough to make meaningful progress each day. The first sixty minutes of your day can be dedicated to just your spotlight.?
You can identify those tasks by asking yourself the following questions:
Make sure to schedule distraction-free time for your spotlight each day. Your spotlight feeds your consistency, and achieving such a task will nurture your daily feeling of fulfillment.
2. STARLIGHT - Your starlight is your North Star. In other words, it is your constellation of long-term objectives
Each time you are lost, look out for your North Star. It will guide you through the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) environment we live in today.
You can break down your long-term objectives into weekly and daily actionable goals. Make sure that you are clear on your North Star.
3. DAYLIGHT - That is the moment of action in your day where you either finish a task in your spotlight or do a daily goal that contributes to your starlight.?
You have to be self-conscious about your daylight and which actions you are taking.? You need to be fully committed to yourself that you will act on your daylight moments. Schedule them in your calendar is the best way to get them done.
Each day be aware and commit to acting on daily tasks or goals that can help you make meaningful progress and bring your daylight.
Our focus has been stolen by the SSD in our smart devices. Harmful lights or notifications constantly bombard us. By choosing those lights, we are killing the genius from within.
Each time we get that dopamine hit, we move away from our deep thinking state. We are stealing one more breath from our subconscious in favor of our conscious mind.
Each time we choose the notification lights, we dim our spotlight, starlight, and daylight.
We need to put our old SSDs on lease. We should not let them control us. Thanks to the observer effect, we can invite the new SSDs lights to make the destructive electrons go away.
Let's switch those new lights on: spotlight, starlight, and daylight. Let’s awaken the genius from within.?
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You can read my previous article on You need to break the ICE age to become a successful content creator!? (LinkedIn)
Photo by brahan milla on Unsplash
I help part-time creators become better public speakers by mastering the art of storytelling.
1 年Thank you Guilherme! ??????
I help part-time creators become better public speakers by mastering the art of storytelling.
1 年Merci ISSA SAIDOU Mourtala ! ???????
I help part-time creators become better public speakers by mastering the art of storytelling.
1 年Highly appreciated Thomas! ?????????
I help part-time creators become better public speakers by mastering the art of storytelling.
1 年Merci beaucoup Fadelle ! Je suis à court de mots pour te qualifier, ta présence, ta sincérité, ta générosité et surtout ta patience à mon égard ! Toi et toutes les autres... TMTC ! ??
I help part-time creators become better public speakers by mastering the art of storytelling.
1 年Danke my dear friend Ben-Hur KABENGELE!