Your “NETWORK” is your “NET WORTH”!
Ulhas Mapuskar
Founder Ulhas Mapuskar and Associates,Co-Founder&Vice Chairman at Padmashri Dr S V Mapuskar Education Foundation, Dehugaon, Director&Managing Trustee Appa Patwardhan Safai Wa Paryawaran Tantraniketan (APSPTN)Dehu Village
This is a very powerful statement by Porter Gale, and we strongly believe it. Have you ever come across it? Have you ever wondered what it exactly mean?
First of all I would like to proudly mention here that me and my wife Sonali, we both have our birthday on same day, ie 7th of July. This is a very rare and unique combination, where husband and wife have the birthdays on the same date. Secondly 7th July is a very unique and special date as per numerology.
On the occasion of this day I took an opportunity to review our journey of life from the year 2004.
I don't know how many will read this long post, but it's our journey so far and I am sure it will be inspiring. Since 7th July I was thinking what to reply to each one of them, who took time to give us warm birthday wishes and blessing starting from 12am of 7th July till 12am of 8th July. I was overwhelmed by the love of you all and went into flashback of the journey from age 22 and then I thought I will note it down, as a reply to all your warm wishes. When I saw facebook and other social media posts by few of our friends, I was actually shocked. I never knew that I was indirectly inspiring many of them connected with me. I know that it is my inner quality to motivate and inspire others, and now it's my well-defined life purpose. I was not able to think what to reply to all the lovely warm birthday wishes and hence took complete 2 to 3 days to?reply all the posts. My journey since my age 22 was not that too easy, at the age of 24 when I required guidance on the age of my career my father passed away. I got married to Sonali immediately within one year of my father passing away. My father came from a middle class family and was in service with Bajaj Tempo (Now Force Motors). We had a small home in Nigdi Pradhikaran and shelter was not a concern. But still just having home cannot give you food to eat. Hard work, dedication, consistency, passion backed up with good moral values, me and my wife started our journey from almost zero.?Whatever small amount of saving was done by my father, is still lying in the name of my mother, we never touched it. Whatever we managed and built over these years is from our own income and capabilities. We would proudly like to mention here that me and my wife Sonali, during these many years, we VALUED RELATIONSHIPS, over everything. People normally get wrong at this stage itself, they always put money, work and material things ahead of their relations and we did exactly the opposite.
Whoever we got in tune-up with, we always have given them our unconditional support without any expectations. The support was of all kind maybe money, moral, standing behind in crisis, giving motivation, etc. Many people took our undue benefit and advantage, but ultimately today we are very satisfied. Today we have all the comfort, but our feet are still on ground. WE ALWAYS BELIEVE OUR NETWORK IS OUR NETWORTH as said by Porter Gale. While valuing relationship we never thought, what income we are getting, what benefit we are getting, what assets we are creating. When it came to relationships the only and only big asset in our life is our NETWORK, THE PEOPLE AND RELATION WE HAVE CONNECTED AND MAINTAINED. The above quote is much practical in our case.
During these many years, we may not be having a lot many properties, the luxury vehicles, farm houses, or any other material things. We proudly can say we have NETWORK. All our Mentors, Supporters, Friends, Clients, Relatives are our ASSETS in Life.?We all each and every person, however big or small rich or poor, one day we have to leave all the material things here itself. The only thing will be cherished in the minds of people you touched, will be your broad vision, job, work, what you did for the society, what you did for our nation, value addition you did in people's life etc.
Every person should believe in himself. People talks behind you, always ignore them. Understand the fact behind it is that you are ahead of them. You must have a grand vision, capability to look beyond the horizons not below the feet in life. However it may seem impossible remember if you believe in yourself and take action you can achieve anything in life.
People will try to deceive you, ignore them and keep walking your path with integrity and trustfulness, you will always win. We have followed this and that is why we keep on succeeding in every task we undertake. Law of Karma as per Bhagavad Gita always works, we should keep doing good Karma. Today we have so many people standing behind us for anything, any time, day and night, they are supporting in our vision in education environment, social empowerment and agriculture. We have people connected with us from variety of fields like professionals, social workers, political, govt officials, etc and we have good and healthy relation with each and every person. Always having gratitude towards those who support you and offering unconditional back support to them, not expecting anything makes wonders. There are many books written on how to build relationships, I have read lot of them, but I believe this feeling must come from inside and also it depends on the values and morals you learn from your elders during your upbringing.
Today we are proud that day by day we are connecting with new and new people. It is said you become like people you spend time with. We always spend our time with people who are smarter and knowledgeable more than us, and thereby our network is constantly growing and more and more people, are connecting with us, who are supporting us in making our vision, goals, dreams of creating and everlasting impact for the society in the field of education, environment, social empowerment and agriculture and towards our purpose of life. To read more about our “Purpose of Life” you can click the link here. I will not mentioning about it here, as the post will be lengthy. We have chosen a different path in life and we have all the courage to make it right, even if we have to face few small challenges. Many times things don't move as fast as expected, but this doesn't mean that we have failed or quit. Even though our walk is like a tortoise finally we will be the winner, no doubt, just like the story of rabbit and the tortoise. Many times your near and dear ones try to spoil your name due to their ego and attitude. But when you are on the right track, then never pay attention to such disturbance. If they fail to understand your broad vision, ultimately they themselves are the losers, they lose their own opportunity. Some are selfish and they want everything for themselves, but Karma is universal be whoever you are, whatever Nation you belong to, big or small, rich or poor, the TRUTH will always win. Some people don't understand this. They think, if we create obstacles, then their selfish motive will be solved. Some people like to create obstacles in others, as they themselves don't do anything, they don't have their own vision and decision making powers. Ignore all such people and keep going towards your goals and vision. Remember if you keep throwing stones at every dog that bark you will never be successful. We are following the above and heading towards achievement of our goals that we have set in our life. And we are sure one day we will be successful and creating an impact. Already we are creating an impact though it is very slow small contribution at present, we are extremely happy and satisfied about all these peoples we have on in our life. Looking at the messages, it shows many are getting inspired from us and we are also getting success day by day towards our purpose of inspiring and motivating others to create their future.
Thank you for patiently reading this long article and hope it is inspiring and something which will increase your knowledge.?
Ulhas Mapuskar is associated with Following Organisations;
1. Padmashri Dr Mapuskar Education Foundation - Vice Chairman
2. Appa Patwardhan Safai wa Paryawaran Tantraniketan - Director
3. SEED Federation, Western Maharashtra - Secretary
4. Kreeda Bharati - Member (PCMC)
5. Devi Trust, Amaravati - Advisory Member Operations
Sonali Mapuskar is associates with Following Organisations;
1. Sonali's Academy
2. Padmashri Dr Mapuskar Education Foundation - Secretary
3. SEED Federation, Western Maharashtra - Member
4. Kreeda Bharati - Member (PCMC)
To read more about Ulhas Mapuskar and various Social Initiatives click link below;
To read more about Sonali Mapuskar and her work in Education from last 23 Yrs click link below;