Your Network Is Your Net Worth
Phil Johnson, MBL
MBL Inc. Founder, CEO & BoD ?? Master of Business Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Program | Career, Personal & Business Executive Coach & Speaker | ?? Alumni Videos (Below) | Author, THE SERVANT WARRIOR LEADER
Entrepreneurs and executives developing their emotional intelligence are creating a global mesh of trust networks.? The economic value of these trust networks is growing much faster than the traditional economy.? Their current value of these networks is estimated at more than $10 Trillion per year.? To put this in perspective, if these networks were a country, they would be the 2nd largest economy after the U.S. and China.? Trust is the prism through which all business success must pass.? Without trust nothing else matters.?
We earn the trust of others by demonstrating our trustability.? It is important to be aware that we tend to burn trust 5-7 times faster than we earn trust.? This means that if our walls are up just 15% of the time, we are damaging the relationships we are trying to develop.? When we burn trust, we incur a trust tax on future interactions.? Conversely, as we earn trust by learning to lower our walls, we earn a trust dividend.? It is the development of our emotional intelligence that enables us to lower our walls which, in turn inspires others to do the same.
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