Your Net Worth is your... Customers???
We’ve all heard the saying:
“Your network is your net worth”
It’s one of those widely used phrases that’s seldom questioned. We all accept it as the truth. However are we really interpreting the term “network” holistically?
From my observation of how people employ the phrase “your network is your networth” it is clear that most people define the term “network” as:
Those powerful people who have access to resources or power that you don’t have access to.
The venture capitalist (VC) who can fund your business, or the celebrity who can give you social credibility etc BUT:
what about your customers?
One of the greatest indicators of a person or businesses value is their market share; the amount of customers who legitimize the existence of the business by repeatedly purchasing from it etc
While VC funding, associating with powerful people etc can help accelerate processes in your business and help you scale, it is sales from your customers that validate the value of your business. The more market share you have, the more power you can leverage in conversations with your greater network.
Facebook isn’t valuable because Mark Zuckerberg is the founder, Mark Zuckerberg is a powerful human being because of the amount of people he’s been able to get to use Facebook.
Commerce is between people, about people, for people.
This makes it more important to focus on developing strong relationships with your customers than rubbing shoulders with “important” people.
Investors, powerful people etc only see value in you if you are bringing value to them, especially in the form of a strong market share. A person with a strong market has the power to influence, trade, & grow. They become an invaluable part of the powerful network they are aiming to penetrate.
Founder of SA Aviation Specialists & Associates PTY LTD
5 年Keys to Success Excellence in fulfilling the promise of being completely confidential, reliable, trustworthy with our expertise and information processing. Developing visibility to generate new business leads and skills improvement through training and job experience. ---------- OBJECTIVES & VALUES Our?Quality Standard?-?A developed process or system that is conforming to custormer focus?or stakeholder requirements with consistant improvement of products and/or services at a measured degree of excellence. *Monitoring?of key safety trends and indicators within your organisation and other global, to bring your operation to a progressing standard. *Safety Analysis?to provide you with competitive results and improvement strategy. *Policy and Standardisation?initiative to merge your current standing in the industry to the best practices and standards implemented by your regulatory body. *Implementation?of programmes to address all operational safety and risk issues.
Founder of SA Aviation Specialists & Associates PTY LTD
5 年This has been the vision, mission and objectives @SAAviationSA by @thatscaptain2u VISION To become the most prestigious processes?developers and?achieve operational excellence.?Supporting your change and development plans. MISSION Be?Innovative?and?Creative?with a?Visionary?solution to arising matters at a?Sustainable?level and remaining significantly?Inspired?at all times. ?_________
Founder of SA Aviation Specialists & Associates PTY LTD
5 年We are constantly learning, and the Lessons by Lion are going to become some of our internal induction training. The issue touched here goes beyond ISO9001 a quality standard developed to make it clear to service providers that a customer involvement in your company is vital and how you manage your service quality and mitigating business continuity risk will help u. How do I better protect my Value and Worth, by making the customer part of my Vision.