Your need-to-know guide on Starlink.

Your need-to-know guide on Starlink.

If you are thinking about installing Starlink onto your boat then you'll want to keep reading.

Our helpful Starlink guide covers: How Starlink works, different set-up configurations, and why you might want to install it on your boat.??

What is it?

With 2.6 million users, Starlink is fast becoming the go-to internet for remote and alternative living. Starlink is a new method of transferring internet to users, utilizing Low-Earth-Orbiting satellites – situated 550 km from Earth’s atmosphere (LEO).

How does Starlink work?

Starlink works by having a global network of small roaming satellites, near to 5,500 of them moving around the globe at 27,000 Kilometers per hour.

Every four minutes a new roaming satellite will pair up with your Starlink satellite ‘dish’, sending data back and forth between them at hundreds of megabytes per second.

This enables global coverage and reduces latency for improved internet connectivity, regardless of location.?

Why should you use it?

1: You want fast, low-latency internet, while anchored and when out sailing at sea*

2: You're fed up with having to buy a different subscription package for different country coverage.?

3: You want your satellite 'dish' to look like it has been designed to go on a boat. The sleek design of Starlink, along with the subtle colour palette will only add to the aesthetic of your boat.?

4: Last, but by no means least, cost-saving. Starlink starts at £206.00 PCM, compared to alternatives costing £1000 + PCM.

*The land?map?will quickly show you where there is full signal, however, there is no ocean map - due to Starlink having gone global. There have been reports that polar regions have gaps of signal - we advise you to talk to a Starlink professional to clarify if this will impact your trip or not.?

Different setup options to use:

Depending on your type of boat you might want a different setup option.?Typically, there are two different mounting types:

Using a power tower with a light bar

1 Height: Mounting your Starlink satellite with an extra bit of height ensures guaranteed obstacle clearance. This can be gained through a power tower mount or on a pole. Using a pole will also offer different mounting placements, freeing up deck space. These can also include the option to include additional features, such as light bars or a self-leveling radar mount (on a dual pole leveler).

Top tip: Make sure you choose a mount with an engineered 8-degree mounting angle, as this will ensure optimal connectivity.?

Low-level mount

2 Low-level: If you don’t want your Starlink to be placed on a pole and without a power tower then a sleek, low-level mounting solution would be for you. These are best mounted on the roof or deck of your boat.?

Top tip: Opting for pre-engineered cable seals in your Starlink mount is key for long-lasting usage, and peace of mind for your Starlink satellite.?

Conclusion of thoughts:

If you want to increase your internet speed, cut down on costs, and have a one-size-fits-all-packaged internet and the option for different mounting styles to match your boat's aesthetics, then Starlink will most likely be the right option for you!?

Want to see more, discover our range of Starlink mounts online!



