Your Music is NOT For Everybody!

Your Music is NOT For Everybody!

Early on, Calling Our Music “Alternative Christian Funk” as catchy as it sounded, wasn’t exactly accurate for my band, SounDoctrine. Most importantly, the phrase Didn’t Tick Off Enough People! Our goal was to create a space within a space that didn’t fit anywhere! Eventually, We decided upon “Originalternativefunkjazzfusion” just to see the look on their faces. 

It’s not easy. You want to be Liked, Followed, Acknowledged, Even Accepted, but Not by Everyone! The onus is on you to find Your Tribe, Your Family, Your Folk who truly “Get It” without you having to explain yourself, graft a convincingly strong elevator pitch or work your nose off “building” a brand. The doggone thing builds itself - organically. Just play from your from your heart and sing from your soul! 

Don't Apologize and Definitely Do Not Make Excuses!

I realize I am talking to fellow EntreMusicians. This post betrays all of the obvious elements we must employ to attract our fan base and/or become 'successful.’ But CLICK HERE TO FINISH ARTICLE


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