Your Money or Your Life
Robert Namar
Director of Marketing & Communications for Feury Image Group. Writer/editor. Qualified FINRA Arbitrator.
Throughout the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, highway robbery was viewed as a particularly serious crime, not only because it looted goods from innocent citizens, but because it interfered with freedom of movement (and trade), which was considered a fundamental right, and necessary for the economic success of any state.
The common call to “Stand and Deliver!” was often accompanied by the threat “Your money or your life.”
It was clear: pay up or suffer the most extreme consequences.
Today, there is a level of business-minded individuals who consider the price to pay for marketing their business akin to highway robbery.
Fortune 500 companies understand and appreciate marketing (Coca-Cola, already one of the most recognized brands in the world, nevertheless, over the last seven years, has spent an average of $4 billion a year). And on the other side of the spectrum, startups, and micro-businesses clearly see marketing as a matter of survival. They know their business will disappear without it.
In between, however, there are many companies that shun investing in marketing. For them, it’s tempting to let things slide. Their business is doing O.K. and they decide not to ‘waste’ the money, the effort, or the time.
Successful companies never stop marketing, and for three good reasons:
So next time you are deciding whether or not to part with the funds required for marketing success, decide whether it will be …your money…or the life of your business.
* Love, courage, and sacrifice are the main themes of the narrative poem The Highwayman, written by Alfred Noyes.