Your Mobile App | Beacons
Beacons are becoming more and more popular for several reasons. The biggest one is they let you app become location aware and can supply user free interaction for your app. What does that mean? Well think about this. The customer arrives at your business, they are prompted to open the app (this can even be done by geo-fencing alert). Once open they can walk around the business, as they get close to a display, item or area a page for that opens up and gives them more information about it, if they keep walking it will automatically go to the next area/product/item, etc.
You could also use it to track visits, each time the come could popup a hello notification. After so many visits they could get a discount or something special. The beacon makes sure they are actually in your business, not just at home or somewhere close!
There are a lot of user cases. I'm sure you could think of some... what's your idea?