Your mission should you choose to accept it
The Mission
Romanticizing and waxing poetic about a company’s mission is something many of us are experts at doing. Especially true for those of us in the talent community. Truth be told; it often comes across a bit sanctimonious and self-righteous to applicants in the labor market.
Although it must be done and it’s vitally necessary; you’ll often see this technique on full display when courting talent with compensation that is often below what the market will pay.
The truth is, work is more fulfilling when your company’s mission is well aligned with your personal core-values, and the way you wish to live your life. When the two are aligned; it’s magical and it brings about immense and intrinsic benefits not measured by monetary compensation.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it; is to find what you love to do, and align yourself with a company, a leadership team, and people that share the same core-values & the way you wish to live your life. You’ll be more impactful and happier for it. Be purposeful, be intentional, be authentic. ??
When you love what you do, you do what you love.
For me it’s recruiting, and the desire to be surrounded by highly intelligent leaders and people that are humble, helpful and exhibit a high degree of empathy for others, regardless of their socioeconomic status. ?
Find what you love to do and align yourself with a company, and people that shares the same values, and for the record, it is possible to achieve it all, so don’t settle.
Choose your direction and grow…………………….