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“How long are you willing to let that be a lot of money for you?”

That was the question that changed everything for me. Years before this moment, I began taking steps away from professional counseling and toward professional coaching. I researched countless programs, trainings, and certifications; nothing was the right fit. Then my friend (who was already a coach) introduced me to an elite realm of coaching that, in all my research, I had never come across. In my gut, I knew that I knew it was everything I had been looking for; it would equip me to be the kind of coach I desired to be. And the cost was shocking, even obscene, in my opinion.

When I heard the fee, I about fell out of my chair. I was even offended.

“People don’t pay THAT!”

“People PAY that?”

“That’s A LOT of money!”

My coach friend listened as I ranted. Then she asked, “How long are you willing to let that be a lot of money for you?”

Her question jarred my consciousness, abruptly shaking me awake from the deep sleep I didn’t know I didn’t know I was in. It ushered me into a whole new world of possibility, and I saw that I could create for myself something I had never created before. I could hire the coach that I wanted regardless of the fee—which for a one-year engagement was more than my annual salary—if I sincerely committed to it. Three weeks later I had generated the money and wired it to my new coach.

The impossible became possible. This is the difference a masterful mentor can make in your life.

Last week we introduced the value of accessing the realm of What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know for speeding up your growth. While it’s rare that you would haphazardly stumble into this realm completely on your own, you can certainly increase your access to it by using a tool such as The Strategic Self-Reflection Guide (link to download your free copy) that we created for you.

But the most powerful way to access this realm of advanced acceleration—to do it frequently and consistently— is through mentorship.

Now, a mentor isn’t needed for ordinary growth. As a living being, you will grow at your default rate one way or another, because the nature of life is to grow. Your mission doesn’t need a mentor…unless ordinary growth is no longer enough for you. If you’re ready to powerfully advance your service in the world, get a masterful mentor.

In today’s issue of The Grip, we give you Eight Attributes of A Masterful Mentor so that you can identify a mentor skilled in leveraging What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know to accelerate your growth.

Let’s dive in!


The mentor equipped to help you accelerate your growth will possess the following traits:

1. Listens more than speaks.

A masterful mentor is not interested in giving you advice or solving your problems. Through skillful listening, they hear things in your language that will make a material difference for you. When they do speak, they will bring these observations to your attention, equipping you to create your own solutions or decisions.

You will experience being heard and understood.

2. Asks questions you’re not asking.

A masterful mentor is genuinely curious, and they see your life through a lens that’s different than your own. This curiosity and perspective generate unique questions you’re not already asking, and these are the questions that have the power to change everything for you in an instant.

You will experience breakthrough.

3. Notices what’s missing.

A masterful mentor intentionally looks and listens for what is missing in your current understanding and perspective. They help you see obstacles and opportunities you haven’t seen before, giving you choices to create what you haven’t created before.

You will experience strategy and clarity.

4. Committed to your growth, not your comfort.

A masterful mentor knows that your growth correlates to the amount of uncomfortable action you are willing take. They will engage with you in ways that most everyone else won’t to produce the growth you’re capable of. Your mind, heart and body will bend, stretch, and twist in ways you didn’t know possible.

You will experience discomfort.

5. Kind, not nice.

Contrary to popular opinion, niceness and kindness are not the same. Niceness holds back the truth when the truth is difficult to say or do. It is a covert way to avoid discomfort at the possibility of others getting upset.

Kindness, however, is forthright with the truth, even when the truth is difficult to say or do, regardless of discomfort and others getting upset. A masterful mentor is free from any concern that you won’t like them. They will hold nothing back in service to your highest good, which is likely to produce great discomfort and upset in you. This won’t feel nice. And it will be very kind.

You will experience generous honesty.

6. Stands for your greatness.

Which would you rather have, to be given discounts to afford the things you desire in life or to be equipped to build a life where discounts are unnecessary?

A masterful mentor knows that within each of us lives both a lower, survival self and a higher, creative self, and they are skilled at distinguishing between the two. They will engage with your higher, creative self and not get caught up in the survival brain behavior of your lower self.

A masterful mentor won’t judge you for the survival brain’s efforts to keep you small, and they won’t tolerate that smallness, either. They will require you to expand beyond your current perceptions of what’s possible in order to work with them…because it serves you.

You will experience the thrill of aliveness.

A masterful mentor will hold nothing back in service of your highest good. This won’t feel nice. And it will be very kind.

7. Sees you as complete and whole.

A masterful mentor does not see you as broken, damaged, or fragile. They are not there to fix or save you. They see you as complete and whole already.

They know that everything you seek To Be and To Do in this world is already inside you, even if only in seed form. Their work is to help you access that wholeness as you cultivate and develop it into the fullness of who you are capable of becoming.

You will experience authentic wellbeing.

8. Leaves you empowered.

A masterful mentor works with people that do not inherently need their guidance. Sound like a paradox? When you seek help out of a commitment to serve, rather than out of neediness, you demonstrate the kind of responsibility for your life and mission that a masterful mentor requires. They won’t waste their time on people living like victims nor people chasing answers from “enlightened gurus”

A masterful mentor’s work is to help you access and master, for yourself, the power you already possess inside; they help you remove anything blocking your access to that. This will leave you unstoppable in fulfilling your mission.

You will experience your life working.

Remember, you can do ordinary on your own. If it suits you to keep growing by ordinary means, you don’t need a masterful mentor. But if you choose to work with one, you will frequently and consistently operate in the realm of What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know; get ready to make miraculous growth your new normal. You will rapidly expand not only the quality of your life but your impact in the world.

And it will be extraordinary.

May you prosper in every way!

Becky & TPL Team


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