Is your mission-critical team being seen?
Julissa Shrewsbury
Brand-Culture Connection Strategy I Team Identities I Leadership Brands I Director I Author I Speaker I MAICD
You could rightly argue that every team is essential to the organisation’s success… but there is probably a narrower cohort that are critical to your current objectives and strategy.
It’s likely that for your mission-critical team to succeed, they need to be SEEN.
REALLY seen.
Industry example: Energy & Resources
Mining is the classic example of an industry faced with changes in strategic focus, in products and services, and even in how they are seen!
Energy and resources are in the spotlight during a time when every business needs to demonstrate greater accountability for ESG and sustainability; they are tasked with leading the ‘green energy transition’ and ambitious climate goals.
For many energy and resources organisations, the people developing new, greener business make up the mission-critical teams. The challenge for these newly-formed teams, undertaking and selling new work, is essentially to make a name for themselves – not only to be known among competitors and by important external stakeholders for what they can offer, but to prove their value internally with shareholders, board, executive and others within the organisation.
Whatever your industry – here are some starting points to assess whether your mission-critical team is being seen (and in the right way!).
Being seen EXTERNALLY = Making a name for yourselves among stakeholders and audiences
?Being seen INTERNALLY = Proving yourselves with shareholders, leaders and staff
Author: Julissa Shrewsbury I Director, New Work Consulting
Brand-Culture Connection Strategy I Team Identities I Leadership Brands I Director I Author I Speaker I MAICD
3 个月Thanks Danny and Sean, lots of changes for organisations to tackle!
Energy Transition Advisory | Business Transformation | Commercial Optimisation | Restructuring and Governance | Finance Leadership
3 个月Great share Julissa. This plus rethinking metrics to measure them by. The old game is not like the new game, which means being flexible.
Executive leadership / Strategy and complex major project development / Oil, gas, mining and infrastructure / Carbon offset and new energy projects / Building ESG into business / Boards and governance - GAICD
3 个月Absolutely on point Julissa.