Your Mindset is everything
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
When was the last time you struggled to find a job? Do you remember going through multiple interviews but not succeeding? Do you remember your mindset during that struggle?
Now, think of a time when life was easy for you. When you didn't have to put in much effort, yet you achieved your goals quickly. What kind of mindset did you have then?
In life, we often find ourselves in one of these two situations. Our mindset develops based on the circumstances we face. When things are tough, our need for success and results pushes us beyond our limits. Quitting is not an option, and we keep striving to achieve our goals.
We prepare ourselves for the next challenge, focusing solely on our objectives. Our mindset is one of determination, eagerness, and purpose. We are always ready to take on the next challenge, learning and growing from each experience.
On the other hand, when we achieve our goals quickly and easily, we don't always push ourselves. We don't put in much effort to learn new skills or gain knowledge and experience that would benefit us. Our focus is on immediate gratification. We mistakenly assume that our future will always be as smooth as the present.
This complacency leads to a mindset of laziness, passivity, and lethargy.
You can easily recognize this state if you reflect on the skills or knowledge you've gained in the last few months. What struggles are you facing right now?
Life is ever-changing, and we should always be ready to learn and grow from our experiences. We need to set aside our ego and small wins and focus on the bigger picture. Even when things are going well, we must be willing to push our limits and delay gratification.
We must remember that "This too shall pass," and being prepared is our only option.
Checkout My latest book Thrive Everyday: 108 Ways of Creating a Fulfilling Life