Is Your Mindset Blocking Your Next Move?
Kristi Andrus
Transformational Travel Coach ?? | Helping High-Achievers Elevate Their Mindset, Balance Work and Life, and Find Fulfillment Through Travel.
What if the only thing holding you back from your travel dreams is… you?
The Window of Opportunity: Why Travel Has Never Been More Accessible — and Why You Shouldn’t Wait ????
Did you know that only 48% of Americans have a passport, 2% have visited all 50 states, and 11% have never left their home state? These numbers reflect a surprising truth — despite living in the most connected and accessible era in history, many people still aren’t exploring the world around them.
We’ve reached a rare moment where travel has never been more within reach for most of us. Technology allows us to book flights in minutes, compare prices, and find local experiences from thousands of miles away. Affordable airlines, vacation rentals, loyalty programs, and even remote work opportunities have opened doors that were once only accessible to the wealthy or adventurous few.
But here’s the catch: This window of opportunity may not stay open forever. Every day you stay in your comfort zone, you’re not just standing still — you’re missing out on opportunities to grow and become a better version of yourself. When you don’t pursue your passions, like traveling, you forgo the chance to enrich your life and expand your horizons.
Maybe that matters to you, or it doesn’t, but think about it like this: A few decades ago, travel was a privilege reserved for the elite. In the 1950s and 60s, flying was expensive, and crossing international borders was often fraught with bureaucratic and political barriers. Even domestic travel required significant time and money, and many families only dreamed of going to places they had seen in books or magazines.
A Unique Time in History
Fast forward to today. Budget airlines, open borders, global tourism, and advanced communication tools have democratized travel in a way that’s unprecedented. You can wake up in one country and fall asleep in another — all on the same day. You can explore cultures you’ve only read about and see historical landmarks that were once details in textbooks. Travel is no longer a privilege for the few but a possibility for millions.
Yet, this accessibility is potentially fleeting.
Why the Opportunity to Travel Could Shrink
The geopolitical, environmental, and economic factors that make travel affordable and accessible are not guaranteed. Changes in global stability, inflation, environmental policies, or even new restrictions could close the door on travel opportunities.
We’ve already seen glimpses of this with the global pandemic. Borders closed, flights grounded, and travel became something we longed for but couldn’t access. It was a reminder of how fragile this freedom can be.
And as climate change and environmental concerns rise, travel may face new constraints. From stricter carbon regulations to increased costs associated with sustainable tourism, how we move around the world could change significantly in the coming years.
So, while travel is more accessible than ever today, we may not be able to rely on that continuing indefinitely.
What’s Holding You Back?
For many, the barrier to travel isn’t global politics or environmental concerns — it’s mindset. It’s easy to focus on the obstacles: the cost, the logistics, the time off work, the kids, or the fear of the unknown.
But the truth is, if you focus on how difficult it might be, you’ll always find a reason not to go. You’ll always tell yourself that “next year” is when you’ll finally take that trip or that it’s something for “other people” who don’t have the same responsibilities or financial worries as you.
Yet, every year you wait, the opportunities that seem abundant today might start to dwindle. The costs may rise. The logistics may become harder. You may have more responsibilities, poorer health, or other constraints. Or, life may continue to get in the way, as it always does.
Reframe Your Mindset: Prioritize Opportunities
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Travel doesn’t have to be about checking off bucket list destinations or embarking on an Instagram-worthy adventure. It can be about small, meaningful steps — a weekend road trip to explore a new state, a visit to a national park you’ve never seen, or a family trip where the goal isn’t perfection but connection.
If you let go of the need for everything to be perfectly planned or timed, you’ll see travel not as something out of reach but as a series of opportunities waiting to be seized.
We are in a rare time when the world is open to us, and it’s crucial to recognize that this might not always be true. If you wait for the perfect time, budget, or situation, you’ve missed the moment.
Your Travel Future
Travel is more than just a break from your daily routine — it’s an investment in your perspective, creativity, relationships, and growth. It’s about stepping outside your comfort zone and experiencing the world in new ways, across the ocean or state lines.
The question is: Will you seize this moment or let it pass, assuming the opportunity will always be there?
The world is open to you now. What will you do with that opportunity?
Travel Unfolds in Layers
Each fall, I find myself drawn back to the same spots in Colorado, watching the Aspen gold blaze across the landscape. Leaf-peeping in Colorado, with bursts of golden yellow set against royal blue skies and towering mountains, never gets old.
I’ve been road-tripping these routes for years, but every season is new to me. I don’t compare the colors from year to year because it’s not a question of “the best.” The experience deepens because I go each year.
Over time, I’ve learned the nuances — where my favorite views are, the quietest trails, and the perfect moment to visit. There’s a richness that comes with familiarity but also a newness in how the journey evolves depending on where I am in life, who I’m with, and where I’ve been before.
It’s how travel works — it unfolds in layers. It’s shaped not just by the place but by who you are at the time. Waiting to travel means missing the layers, the deeper connection that only comes from stepping into the experience again and again.
The true richness of travel comes from continually engaging with it and from the personal evolution that happens along the way. Waiting can mean missing out on that growth and delicious complexity.
That’s why this week’s post is a double feature: waiting to get started — on any of the big things you want to do — postpones not just the thing but the thing after the thing.
Your journey is more than the destination; it’s a long hallway of doors that unlock once you step across the first threshold. If you can’t wait to see what’s inside — I get it! — life expands exponentially when you take this forward momentum approach.
We’ll explore how to do it in the next edition — right here!