“Your Mind Is Endless, Your Body Isn’t”
This quote is from world-renowned Tony Robbins. Yes, he is controversial, but you cannot deny the truth in this statement. I have been doing a lot of mindset coaching as of late with myself, encouraging myself to train my mind as much as my body in order to be more resilient, switched on and connected.
So, what is a growth mindset exactly? From Tony Robbins’ website, it says:
“People with a growth mindset believe they can improve their skills and knowledge. A growth mindset means you enjoy taking on new challenges. You’re willing to put in the work to gain new abilities or increase your intelligence. If you have a growth mindset, you believe that you can change your story. You believe it when Tony says, “We can change our lives. We can do, have and be exactly what we wish.”
A fixed mindset is the belief that people are born with innate traits or abilities. People with a fixed mindset don’t believe they can improve themselves very much. They don’t enjoy challenges, because failure makes them feel unintelligent or inadequate. Research shows they also tend to achieve less, because they don’t put in the work to learn new things – and they worry about failing in front of others."
The recommended steps to improving a growth mindset from a fixed one are a follows:
- Change your self-talk
- Visualise
- Overcome fear of failure
- Take new challenges
Image from: https://selfmastery.blog/tag/growth-mindset/
I hope this information inspired you to start moving away from your fixed mindset and develop a growth mindset. What changes can you make TODAY to start this process?
Information for this article sourced from: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/business/growth-mindset/