Your Mind Constantly Runs on Half Its Horsepower. Yikes!
Did you know your mind usually works at half the power it’s capable of??Read that twice.
Look at all the great things you've accomplished at 50% power. Now, imagine the tremendous possibilities of shifting to 90% mindpower.?
Picture a diesel locomotive with a max of 16,000 HP, limping along, hauling 24 freight cars, each filled with iron ore.?
The diesel engines can only generate 4,000 HP – that's 12,000 less its potential with that heavy load.
Your mind is the same way with the load it’s carrying.
How could you lighten the load and increase your MHP – your Mind’s Horsepower, giving yourself the much-needed time and space to re-think and create?
Re-thinking the CEO Operating System can be messy. It means unloading the garbage – the stuff that clogs your memory banks and keeps you from doing your best thinking of and about your life.?