Is Your Mind an Asshole?

Is Your Mind an Asshole?

If your mind is always in control and leading the way, it doesn't leave room for your intuition to speak to you.

Want to to develop your intuition? Don't let your mind be an asshole.

How often do you get that sense of deja' vu?

When you find yourself repeating thoughts?

Repeating patterns that YOU KNOW aren't helping you?

Making decisions that will make a difference moving forward because you know what you need to do, yet you don't follow through.

And that's when the “asshole of my mind” shows up saying things like:

  • Be better. Do better.
  • Get it right next time.
  • Be better prepared.
  • You are a failure.

And that's the G rated version.

We are not our thoughts unless we choose to be our thoughts.

I can choose to allow my mind to beat me up and believe that somehow I should have been better and done better, been more prepared in the midst of being so sick, that for weeks I could barely get out of bed without being exhausted, in pain, and feeling like my brain was so broken that English felt like a foreign language


I can choose a different path.

This time I am choosing BOUNDARIES, boundaries for my mind.

I am choosing to be loving, supportive, to listen and to give myself the space to do things differently.

It is no longer acceptable for my mind to talk to me like it has for decades putting me down, lying to me, being mean, critical, and judgmental.

What does it look like to have boundaries for my mind?

1) It means giving myself a fresh start, a clean slate, the benefit of the doubt leaving the judgment and criticism behind. It won't do me any good here. It means being loving and taking care of myself.

2) It's reminding myself to "Do My Best!" and recognizing that sometimes my best is just getting out of bed to let the dog out and other days like today it is not only being productive feeling the flow of things but having a healthy balance between my masculine and feminine energy, between BEing and DOing and rocking it!!

3) Moving forward with strength and confidence by following my calling and in this case sharing that calling with you!

What would it look like if you told you mind to stop being an asshole? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.


