Your Mighty Morphin Power
Greater Life
As an entrepreneur over 50, your time is just beginning… Live the Greater Life
The following story is about how George's 7-year-old son profited to the tune of £111 at the expense of an innocent old man.
In truth though, it’s a story about you…and the hidden gems (literally and metaphorically) that could fuel your enterprising and build your Greater Life.
And I (George) have to own up to a little dramatic license with the opening sentence – but you could certainly spin it that way if you were so inclined.
Here’s what really happened…
When the sun is as high in the sky as it was yesterday, thousands flock to the nearby cricket pitch of Rosudgeon village for the Rosudgeon and Kennegy car boot sale. It's something of an institution in this part of Cornwall.
My two children each had a budget of £5 with which to go bargain hunting
But it was only after helping my daughter acquire her collection of second-hand Dog Man comic books that the true winner emerged.
It turns out my son, who already has designs on becoming an engineer and will happily lose countless hours in a Lego-induced flow state, had come across a car boot seller selling old toys. The official story was that the elderly gentleman selling the toys had found them when clearing out an old box of his son’s childhood toys from the attic.
And the story would seem to stack up based on what we uncovered next. My son purchased what he believed to be a transformer for the princely sum of £9. He was loaned the additional £4 to his budget by his Aunt Clare.
Upon arriving home, my sister and I embarked on a quest to uncover exactly
One reverse image search later revealed that what had in fact been purchased was a 22-year-old Power Ranger toy. A 22-year-old Power Ranger toy that was, unfortunately, missing some futuristic-sounding weapon, meaning ours would not quite be worth the £120 being asked for the same toy with a weapon on eBay.
So what lessons are here for you as an enterprising over 50-year-old seeking prosperity and purpose
Well, first and most obvious…those boxes of your kids' stuff that you might still have in the attic…check what’s in them before you take them to the charity shop.
Secondly, trust your instincts
And finally, let’s close with a metaphor…the attic of your life may be teeming with riches beyond the physical. That friend you’ve not spoken to in years who you suddenly thought about the other day. Perhaps it’s time to give them a call. That place you’ve always had an inkling to visit…now’s the time.
For those who are willing to align with its flow
PS If you enjoyed this story and its lessons, we'd love for you to share yours with the new community members who will soon be thronging to Greater Life. To accompany our official community launch, we’re currently seeking enterprising over 50s with a story to tell for new episodes of our Greater Life Stories podcast.
If that’s you, and it is you because we all have a story to tell, then pop us a message to [email protected]